Trading pc


Hi guys

What do you all make of these pcs?

I am interested in getting my own set up having been in an arcade this last year or more and have almost zero knowledge of IT requirements,

I have found the other threads invaluable also so thanks

I will be using TT on the prospective machine I buy


I am being advised to avoid this one as there may be no warranty and with trading being risky enough at times, then why not control as much as you can and buy a better machine..however at my level I feel these specs are more than enough?

Charting will be done on 2 other laptops

In summary I think I need to have:
4gb ram
a good graphics card
Processor of 3.2ghz or better
Wired keyboards and mouse

Is this all I need to watch out for?

Any help/advice as always greatly appreciated!


If this is for placing trades online, nothing intensive, then either one looks fine to me, and you don't need high specs. People can trade with netbooks and phones. I would suggest upping to 4Gb memory - apps like browsers can really use up memory nowadays. You don't need a graphics card - can use onboard graphics unless you plan to attach multiple monitors, and you can always upgrade for that. Graphics cards increase the heat in a machine. Yes - use wired KB and mouse unless you plan to trade from a horizontal position.
If this is for placing trades online, nothing intensive, then either one looks fine to me, and you don't need high specs. People can trade with netbooks and phones. I would suggest upping to 4Gb memory - apps like browsers can really use up memory nowadays. You don't need a graphics card - can use onboard graphics unless you plan to attach multiple monitors, and you can always upgrade for that. Graphics cards increase the heat in a machine. Yes - use wired KB and mouse unless you plan to trade from a horizontal position.

Ok thanks for the advice Dommo

Much appreciated!

Tonster 👍
Yeah, trading does not require alot. Tho surfing and multiple monitor use can so at least 4 gb of ram is adviced. If you are interested in good warranties i know dell have really good alternatives, maybe its worth a lookup?
Yeah, trading does not require alot. Tho surfing and multiple monitor use can so at least 4 gb of ram is adviced. If you are interested in good warranties i know dell have really good alternatives, maybe its worth a lookup?

Cheers boys, yea have it wittled down

Seems to be a good few deals on 4gb HP/Dell desktops (tower units only)

Looking at 199 for this, this includes 512 nividia card and 3.2ghz processor...

This is perfect for TT use only

Have 2 laptops for charts etc

Thanks for all the help/advice


hi tonster / all

im looking at buying a pc in the next few weeks top - but to run IB's trading and charting package on the same PC

any advice welcome regarding specs.

\tonster - which did you go for ?
hi tonster / all

im looking at buying a pc in the next few weeks top - but to run IB's trading and charting package on the same PC

any advice welcome regarding specs.

\tonster - which did you go for ?


Go to

His shop on there seems to have alot of good spec machines and more than suitable for the purposes we require them for,

Just look for good size ram, 4gb or above, good processor, I wanted 3.2ghz or more and a decent size hard drive,

No need to be spending thousands just yet..unless your making it with trading already that is and dont mind 😀

Anyway hope this helps


some additional advice,

look at virtual technology to reduce downtime risk. let me give you 2 scenarios

1) standard machine - virus hits it or hardware failure. requires rebuild or hardware replacement. recovery time anything from a couple of hours to an entire day.

2) virtual machines - virus hits or hardware failure. the virtual machine can be restored to the baseline image in less than 5 minutes. if the failure is hardware, the vm can be started on another computer.