Whilst a profit expectation is good to have, I suggest that if the ftse is falling like a stone when (if?) the option reaches 70/77 you will wait for what you judge at that time to be a bottom, based on TA of the situation not only for the ftse, but also the Dow, S&P500 and the Nasdaq at that time . As you don't know at which ftse level this might occur, you cannot, at this stage, determine where that will be.
Making money from the simple purchase of options is very tough - you have to be right not only about direction, but also the time scale in which the move may come. You can be right about direction and see the ftse fall 400 points, but still lose 100% of your premium if it takes until mid June to get there.
A more important question is therefore to decide how much you are prepared to see the value of the option fall in value before you cut your losses. This is what will determine how long you stay in the game as a trader, not what you might make.
Also do you have any plans to modify the strategy in any way as time and price changes? Selling Deep OTM (Out of the Money)calls when you judge the index has made a top perhaps? Selling deep OTM puts further down to add further premium to the equation? (This would be a safe strategy as it would turn the strategy into a vertical bear spread, reducing the cost but capping potential profit on a big fall). And if so - at which levels? Flexibility of thinking is really important in options trading as there is an added dimension to price (namely time) that affects both value and strategy.
Making money from the simple purchase of options is very tough - you have to be right not only about direction, but also the time scale in which the move may come. You can be right about direction and see the ftse fall 400 points, but still lose 100% of your premium if it takes until mid June to get there.
A more important question is therefore to decide how much you are prepared to see the value of the option fall in value before you cut your losses. This is what will determine how long you stay in the game as a trader, not what you might make.
Also do you have any plans to modify the strategy in any way as time and price changes? Selling Deep OTM (Out of the Money)calls when you judge the index has made a top perhaps? Selling deep OTM puts further down to add further premium to the equation? (This would be a safe strategy as it would turn the strategy into a vertical bear spread, reducing the cost but capping potential profit on a big fall). And if so - at which levels? Flexibility of thinking is really important in options trading as there is an added dimension to price (namely time) that affects both value and strategy.
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