Trading on pure share price performance


I have been investing my hard earned SIPP for the last few years and been bamboozled by all the jargon and data thrown at me. So now I have gone my own way, simplicity.

If you back a horse to win, who cares about what it had for breakfast, you put you money on it and hope for the best.
A punt on the lottery is not about probabilities at 1.5 billion to 1 lady luck is ruling.

One thing I've learn't the hard way, your own advice is best. Even the crooked bankers get it wrong, sorry expert fund managers. The stock markets around the world work on sentiment and rumour, if Mr Warren Buffet sneezes we all catch flu.

So what do I do, work on statistics alone, they never lie. In a falling market there are still a few gainers and money to be made. My £100k virtual trading portfolio has gained 4.321% in two weeks and the uk indexes has fallen everyday bar one.

Enough for now, lets see what feedback and sceptical comments I get:smart: