Trading Oil in SIPP


Hi does anyone know if there is a way of trading crude oil within a SIPP?

I am looking for something that I can hold fairly long terms that directly link to the crude price, dont mind what type of crude but I want a crude link rather than a link to oil companies.
Thanks Ansley, I looked at that option but I could not find any EFTs that covered crude, I coould anly find ones that covered oil companies.

I dont have much experience of EFTs so I may not have looked in the best places, i looked at barclays ishares and the LSE EEFT site but could not find anything.

If anyone has any pointers to crude based EFTs please let me know.
LOIL is a leveraged crude ETF traded on LSE. Tracks the dow jones AIG crude index. Looks good for long term investment. Only bad thing is contango spoils its returns. Also its traded in US$ so got the exchange rate to factor in.
Hya. We are currently offering Oklahomo sweet crude at $48 a barrel. SIPP approved, 7 year term, min investment $12,000, sale option at any time. If you want me to send you the bumpf, give us a shout. Emz
Hope I haven't broken any board rules with the above post. It's my first post so sorry if I have!
