Trading Keyboard

Are you looking for something like this:


Did yo find it?

I'd love something like that!

Seen nothing on the usual websites though.
Hi. I work for Access IS, the manufacturer of this keypad (our model AKC080). Get in touch if you would like to discuss this.
I'm looking for an Access AKC084 keyboard. How can I get one, from Access-IS, or from other places ? It could be new or used.
I know this is an old posting, but I have a question. I have a new Wey Multifunctional Keyboard MK06 and Wey Modular Keyboard Connector Box Va + all cables, but have no use for it. Can anyone tell me if there are special platforms to sell such things?
How much you ask for it? Take it up on ebay, I am sure you'll get rid of this stuff for a couple of days. Had the similar model when was trading with HF. Sold it for 200$ later.