Trading journal of Trading100

Made series of real-time trades at futures trading | Google Groups with not a single loss. Traded Nymex Oil, EuroDollar, USDYEN and Dow futures. The trades were all in the money the very same day and in a very short period(minutes) from the real-time punt. My next trades I will post here and Google groups in real-time.
Open an account with CFDs | CFD Share Trading | CFD Trading | IG Markets. I am trading day options (puts/calls) on EURUSD, DOW,Nasdaq and FTSE. The DOW and FTSE options are on the cash market not the futures. But to time my entry in the cash markets I use the futures especially the DOW futures which every market follows. Buying day options means we don't have to bother with draw-downs since the losses are limited to the option premium but the profits are unlimited and we have the whole day for the trade to go in the money. With a CFD trade the dow could tank 300 points and then rise 400 back for a profit of 100 for the day, but the position would have been stopped out at 80 or 100(depending on your risk profile). With a call option we just leave the trade to see if it perhaps won't come back in the money before expiry.

For the trading time frame I use, (timing the market in terms of minutes) buying call, put options is the most efficient strategy. All real-time trade recommendations from now on will refer to day options unless otherwise noted.

I usually trade the EURUSD option with a strike 100pips away from the the real-time price, this allows huge leverage. If the option rallies past the strike in the money within two to three hours the gain is on the order of around 600%. Compare this to a CFD trade where you would have to risk 100pips (stop- loss at this level) to make a 100pips.

Options is really the only viable way to implement day trading. An option position can be hedged in real-time. Say for example we buy the EURUSD call day option at 10am with strike at 1.2750 presently trading at 1.2650(100 pips out of the money) and the EURUSD declines, then short the EURUSD using CFD mini-forex actively hedging the position during the day.

Executed 7 real-time trades in a row without loss at Stephanus Rensburg (stephanusR) on StockTwits for May/June with updated trac-record , including draw-downs, period held, time to rally at Trader100 - Scratchpad Wiki Labs - Free wikis from Wikia :clap: