Trading is like...


Legendary member
Ok, I starting comparing FX trading to martial arts in another thread which got me thinking about starting this thread...

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Trading is like martial arts... you have to wait for the right moment to strike and then withdraw to a defensive stance to win a fight.

Trading is like making love to a beautiful woman... if you get too confident she'll take all your money.</Swiss Tony>

Trading is like a battlefield... if you charge in, guns blazing, sure you'll kill a few of the enemy but you will end up dead very quickly. You have to play like a sniper, waiting for the right moment, pick your target, one shot, one kill, then retreat to safety. (That could be ******** because I've never been in the army! I just play FPS wargames. :cheesy: )
Watching paint dry.


I remember reading somewhere that trading was supposed to be fun and exciting. I do find studying for it interesting, though, whether it is technical, strategy or psychology.

I remember reading somewhere that trading was supposed to be fun and exciting. I do find studying for it interesting, though, whether it is technical, strategy or psychology.

Agreed. The Research & Study and analytical work and intellectual aspects of methods and systems design and development is the real juice for many, myself included.

The actual trading of a system is quite boring. (Although the money helps…)

Robert Pirsig in his book mentions that there are two types of welders: Production Welders and Speciality Welders. They don't mix. Make sure you get the right one for the right job.

You want speciality welders building systems. You want production welders running those systems.
Trading is like cocaine. You give it a try, it works out well, and you have a great time. Soon you're telling everyone that you're the king of the world, and you resolve to do it more often. You can't help but notice that on subsequent occasions it never quite seems to work as well; nevertheless before long you've abandoned all your other interests and you're doing it every day anyway despite sometimes not really knowing why, or what you're actually trying to achieve. Slowly but surely it takes over your life. Then one day you wake up and in a now-rare moment of clarity you realise that all your money is gone and all your friends have deserted you.

Christ, that was a bit bleak wasn't it? Actually for me, trading is more like a spliff. I spark up the auto-trade computers, have a cup of tea and twenty-nine pieces of toast, play on the PS3 all afternoon and then try to explain to my back-from-school girlfriend (she's a teacher you filthy perverts) exactly what I've been doing all day.
Trading is like......a game of rugby. One minute you may be flying high, after running the length of the pitch to score a try. Soon after, you may find yourself picking your own teeth up off the ground 😢 .
Trading is like... a game of poker.

You wait until a good hand (in the form of signals or candlestick patterns) is dealt before betting.

As each new candlestick unfolds, you decide if your hand is strengthened or weakened.

You can RAISE or CHECK.

Or, you can choose to FOLD and wait for a better hand.

Remember: the market is the DEALER and has the house EDGE, and can never be bluffed.

One minute you're on top and in control then the next you're deep underwater and you gotta get out 😉

PS Just about to get married next month.... is this a good sign? 😆
Trading is like cricket

"Money on the floor" trades are the wide deliveries which are hit for four or six
"Steady eddie" trades are the singles
"Stops hunting" are the googlies
Econ news annoucements are the 90mph bouncers