Team Deathmatch on FTSE100 map.


Established member
We've got the championship final, held at the FTSE100 arena between the Buyers and the Sellers, the rules are team deathmatch and no automated weapondry. We're going to be here live with HaloTrader, the rookie of the tournament, to see how he gets on. He has £500 of ammo in his artillary and hes been in the training camp 6 months now so knows his way around the battlefield, his weapons include an arsenal on bouncing grenades of enemy resistance and support and breaking through enemy lines with heavy fire when the teams consolidate in a small area. He specialises with a sniper; waiting for opportunities to come into his scope, he pulls the trigger and 'BOOM HEADSHOT'.

Enemies killed so far;
Entry: 4031.5 Stop: 4043.5 Target: 3975.5
- He entered the sniper tower at 4031.5, his safety jacket was set to 4043.5 power and his target was approxiamately 3975.5 feet away.
- The target bounced off an enemy line and started sprinting towards HaloTrader, who having loaded his rifle, held the trigger for a straight BOOM HEADSHOT and a gain of 28.5 points for his team.

For his efforts he was awarded £11.69 ammo, making total of £511.69

Next, a grenade popped into the enemy zone around the 4011 zone, his safety jacket at 4023.8 power, 3 enemies were killed in the blast and he got a solid 52.5 pips.

For his efforts he was awared £20.48 ammo, making a total of £532.19 on the second day of the tournament.
Trading for the playstaion generation!!!

Good luck, hope it keeps going so well.
A ****ing noob ******* was camping, HaloTrader didn't see him, the boy knifed Halo in the foot, stole £4 in ammo and Halo as a result lost 10 points for his team. HaloTrader got revengefull so his manager substituted him off the ball-park for a rest to let his nerves calm down. Hes finished for the day.

Standing at £528.19 and looking forward to tommorow.
This is great, hahaha add KillPhil08 to xbox live and I'll show you what a pro can do on halo. 🙂. **** forgot my xbox is broken due to overplaying...
This is great, hahaha add KillPhil08 to xbox live and I'll show you what a pro can do on halo. 🙂. **** forgot my xbox is broken due to overplaying...

Ha quality - So is mine! They i tried the towel trick so i ruined my warranty 😀 😀 😀 I'm pro at halo too 😉
Towel trick is just some knobs trying to muck it up even more, fortunately i didn't do it but can't find my warranty.
After HaloTrader was subbed off the pitch, sitting on the sideline, somehow a missfire from his own teammate next to him; who hadn't put safety trigger on put him with a sore and painful loss. He thought his safety jacket was set at a nice level, when actually he forgot to change it and was very open to risk. The shot ripped through his right arm and the screams followed, medics rushed to the rescue but to no avail, unconcious (away watching tv) HaloTrader was unaware of the further damage he was causing by not closing the wound with stiches early. He lost 19 points for his team and £6 worth of ammo - Putting his total amount left at £522.19.
HaloTrader throws a flashbang into enemy resistance to find it bounces back and hits him in the face, the damage caused -£0.25 loss and later in the changing rooms an embarrasing towel-whipping from the boys.
Back on the field and in need of revenge, HaloTrader found a lonely enemy, so he grabbed him pinned him on the floor and knifed him in the arm - to make him bleed-out. He found enemy 4072 and put his safety jacket to 4085, out of fear, HaloTrader thought he heard more troops ariving, with no time to finish his enemy, he pegged it. Taking a small £0.45 in ammo before leaving and

ENTRY:4072 STOP LOSS: 4085 EXIT:4071 £0.45 made and only 1 point for his team.

The total ammo he has left stands at £522.64 and he seems to be getting psychologically damaged by his injuries yesterday.

The total amount of points made for his team is;
Course i do, level 50 double team ^^

Right, 20th April, HaloTrader wakes up, drinks his coffee, grabs his rifle and boom headshot, £5 risk, £18.69 gain. Resistance was forming so instead of attempting to barge through, he waited for the enemy to come to him, 4 headshots and he was out for 35 pips.

Account now stands at £541.02 after 5 days and a total of 87.5 pips gained.

Although HaloTrader will be continuing to play in the FTSE100 arena, soon he will play in the GBPJPY leagues too.
Sneaky £3 this morning... Can't even remember how...

Accout now stands: £543.02

And i wanted to point out an interesting fact...

My aim is to make 1% of my account every single day. So far i am doing this with ease and i'm only trading about an hour which is soon to increase. So i'm aiming for around 20% increase per month. Which on a £500 account is only... £100, which isn't much for such demanding work, but wait!

According to a compounding monthly calculator...

If i start off with £500 and earn 20% every month for the next three years (36 months) which is how much time i have spare... Then i will have £354,400... Not so laughable as £544.02...

So although the work seems tough and i appear to be making pennies... Every month that passes with 20% gains, i am 1/36 steps closer to £354,400 which for three years work at the young age of 18 would be very plausable.

Currently this month i've made 9%, this being the 7th day, i have 13 days to reach my 20% target. Easy ^^

Only 36 months to go until i can afford my own warthog.
Got absolutely owned today - Just didn't stop rushing instead of camping...

3% - £15 loss to the account. My rule is to stop when i'm -1% down and i just kept going, down stupid counter-trend trades.

£530 total.