Trading In The Zone EFT Tapping Technique

Hello everyone,

My name is David Childerley and I coach peak performance techniques. Recently I have been coaching traders and thought it would be good to share a free video demonstrating this amazing technique. Try this video before you trade and see if you can feel the difference.

The video is on youtube and I hope it helps. Any feedback would be most useful.

I am really surprised this thread hasn't had more of a response.
It should make itself capable of some objective analysis of its worth.

(yes, EFT is something I have some curiosity about, and yes, tapping on energy points seems a bit weird, but if it works, it's worth a shot)

EDIT: I know it's been used for pain management, reduction in smoking, some phobias, and appetite reduction. The scientific data is a bit scant, but anecdotal evidence seems it's worth a try.
Yes EFT tapping can help you conquer your phobias and relieve stress. These techniques can help you deal with various emotional issues.
Hey! Robert Smith!
I am a subscriber to your FasterEFT on youtube.
Good stuff. 👍
I am really surprised this thread hasn't had more of a response.
It should make itself capable of some objective analysis of its worth.

(yes, EFT is something I have some curiosity about, and yes, tapping on energy points seems a bit weird, but if it works, it's worth a shot)

EDIT: I know it's been used for pain management, reduction in smoking, some phobias, and appetite reduction. The scientific data is a bit scant, but anecdotal evidence seems it's worth a try.

Do you do it?

If so, do you think it's made any difference to your trading?