Trading in the north


Junior member
Hi guys this is my first ever post! 🙂

I am a MA Finance, Accounting and Management student and am interested in pursuing a career in trading once I complete my degree in August. I have no experience in trading (other than that gained from using online trading simulators).

I am interested in working in the north of England (due to personal preference and family commitments) and from what I have read, there are opportunities in both Manchester and Leeds. However, despite scouring the internet I have struggled to find information of such firms.

I have a friend who is currently working in portfolio management for RBS and is kindly looking into arranging a secondment for me on their trading floor in Manchester. However, I was wondering if anyone knows of any other investment banks or smaller firms involved in trading that operate in the north?

Any help or advice would be appreciated
thanx for the response shadowninja. Incidentally I had already read the thread you have directed me to earlier today.

Since the only thing you posted in your response was the link and a wink I am having to make a few assumptions about what you are attempting to advise me.

Judging off the nature of the thread...are you suggesting that I should gain experience by trading with my own money and basically begin working for myself?

If so...that doesn't really answer my question about how and where I can find trainee/junior opportunities in the north. Also, I am a 21 year old student with 4 years worth of university debt to pay off so I cant really afford to trade with my own money as a full time job at the moment...although I do plan on trading with small sums of money in order to get a better feel for trading.
I think the general gist of that thread is to trade, at least demo trading (I know you said you've done some) but to keep your thumbs in the pie. The likes of Tradindex allow you to demo trade everything from FX to oil. Not entirely what you wanted to know, but a step in the right direction. Good luck.

There is little in the North apart from stockbrokers (anabaptists to a man) for whom futures and options are a sign of the devil. Seriously, the only option is to look south to swinging London.

If you absolutely must stay in the North, I would choose Leeds - greater wealth and opportunity.

My personal opinion is that trading one's own money is the worst advice for a newcomer with little experience. Effectively, you will be trading on trial-and-error or luck. May as well go to a casino. Look for a simulator and observe the market behaviour (choose the instruments which interest you).

Good luck,

thankyou for the replies shadowninja and grantx.

Shadowninja: I definitely appreciate the merits of trading (either simulated or real) and learning 'on the job' and I plan on continuing to trade using simulators. Unfortunately trading using my own money, as a full time job after graduating, is just not a viable option (for the reasons pointed out by grantx).

Grantx: I share your opinion on trading with my own money. I don`t feel I have the levels of experience or knowledge to consistently make profits...and I can`t really afford to make many losses. The reason I was under the impression there were opportunities up north was due to online information such as this quote from a trader on the graduate Prospects website:

"Starting pay for a new graduate can be around £30,000 a year, depending on which company they work for and where. Highest rates are in London, but there are also opportunities in Birmingham, Cardiff, Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh and Glasgow."

Perhaps he was refering to opportunities as a stockbroker but he didnt allude to that at all.

Anyway guys I shall continue my search and take heed of your advice.

Any more information or advice with regards to junior trader opportunities up north and where to look would be appreciated.