Trading Elements: INTELLECT (Part 1)

dbphoenix said:
Though general has its uses, one inevitably arrives at the need for specific. So what specifically are you looking for? If the thread on the so-called "Ross Hook" is insufficient, and it may very well be, what exactly do you require?


Thanks for asking DB. I personally dont require anything. Have't read the 'Ross Hook' thread. I was commenting on the problems listed, without any guidance on how to approach dealing with them. Problems to which solutions clearly exist. The answers will arrive when traders are forced to ask the right questions regarding the problems.

It is this approach to seeking the answers that i was refering to.

Why is it being touted as something that is very elusive by some of the contributors on here? Thats not what this board is meant to be about is it ? Once again no names mentioned.

My apologies if these were dealt with on the 'Ross Hooks' thread, didn't want to create a repeat of points.
What do i do? So, you tell a person to go and watch price movement day in day out, whenever they can. Would they be thinking why this why that, would they be thinking of solutions of how to get in on the price? Would thier thoughts involve money? For most people the problem of not being able to get to grips with price action is incidental to the underlying problem of money. The better traders would find price action fascinating and not boring. With or without the aspect of money.
Scrappy. Do you think set-ups and techniques are the solutions to peoples problems? Once people get a 'Ross Hook' in thier heads, that's all they become. 'Hooked on Ross'. I've got to laugh!
scrappy said:
Why is it being touted as something that is very elusive by some of the contributors on here? Thats not what this board is meant to be about is it ? Once again no names mentioned.

I have no idea. Most of the "problems" to which you refer can be resolved with a trading plan. And if you have one and have tested it, then "intellect" stops becoming an issue unless you veer from the plan, which becomes a problem of discipline, thinking that you're smarter than your own plan, etc.

The links below my name may be of help to you.

dbphoenix said:
I have no idea. Most of the "problems" to which you refer can be resolved with a trading plan. And if you have one and have tested it, then "intellect" stops becoming an issue unless you veer from the plan, which becomes a problem of discipline, thinking that you're smarter than your own plan, etc.

The links below my name may be of help to you.


Yes the plan is the answer. its how to get traders there. have commented about this on another thread about traders not being born but being mentored.
@ J.Ross

I do´nt realy understand ... 😕

How can one get along in life without using
once brains ? 🙄


