Trading edge stratagy


I am new to trading and would be intrested in hearing from anyone using the trading edge strategy by keith cotterill what do you think ?? and has anyone being on there one day training course and was it worth it ??
There is so much free trading information available I fail to see why anyone would need to pay to go on a training course. Just spend a day reading this forum and I'm sure you'll learn loads more.
Thanks for your reply the training course comes with the software it is a one day course on how to get the best of it so im told would like to hear from anyone out there who has experience of using it and what they think ??
andyrj1 said:
would like to hear from anyone out there who has experience of using it and what they think ??
Can understand that, of course. But maybe there isn't anyone here who's done it.

I saw your post last week and am slightly surprised nobody's replied to you until today.

Call me a cynic, but I wouldn't have been at all surprised if another first-time poster had magically popped up right after your initial post to say "Oh yes, I've done it and it's absolutely fantastic", which happens quite a bit! But maybe not this time ...

I note that the software you're asking about appears to be marketed by Fleet Street Publications, which is certainly going to ring alarm bells with some of our members, as I understand that generally their reputation is ... how to put it? ... "not quite out of the top drawer".

I suppose the natural questions are: have you done the month's free trial, how did you get on with it, and what do the course and software cost? (This Keith Cotterill guy is presumably an American living over here now?).
I remember a couple of years ago hearing Keiths name 'bandied' about . The consensus was that the seminar / material was quite good tho' I can't vouch for it myself

Call me a cynic ( and yes I have bought lots of books in my time and attended the odd seminar for reasonable charges ) but Fleet Street Publications have among many others , newsletter/s that recommend Penny Shares .

IMO make your own informed decisons with any info u can get aboout this all , but as far as Fleet Street go , recommended u avoid touching with a very long bargepole .

My Opinion of course and not a statement of FACT
I bought his course "Don't tell the professionals" some years ago, but never managed to implement it. I spent a day with one of his trader trainers (one2one session) but became sceptical during the day, as the trainer did not trade the methods - he claimed he was saving his money to write options. If the system had been that good I'm not sure why he wasn't trading it to increase his capital base that way. 😕

To be fair, Trading Edge have developed some software in more recent years, since I purchased the strategy and they may have modified the approach.

A good deal of it is technical analysis, with emphasis on volume, but the manual that I have has nothing on money management or the inherent risks of commodity futures (e.g. getting caught on limit up/down days). In other words the emphasis was mainly on entry signals. Perhaps it has become more complete over recent years?

Hope this helps.
Thanks everyone for your input i am out if the uk at the moment but think the way to go is going to be to get the software on there free 30 day trail and see how it goes when i get back. It seems quite easy to use thats why i got intrested in it to start with and the fact that they give full support or so they say anyway thanks again everyone
Keith Cotterill and Tess

Keith Cotterill is an English chap who has been interested in commodity Trading for many years.
Just found this article

I too read 'Don't tell the Professionals' when it was in its first print - typos and all. The theory is that only the big boys move the markets, so it's spotting when they, who can see things happen on the trading floor that we at home can't, then riding with them, but not lagging.
His system is (or certainly was) based on implied volatlity as an indicator along with volume and different types of bars on the charts to which he gives his own names.

Just before I read the book i visited Keith at his home, (pre charging for his time days) where he showed me some of the basics of using his then Opticon and Volcon programmes that distributed volatility and volume data from knight ridder to rolling contracts for Supercharts. Presumably this sort of stuff has now developed into and is integrated into hisTESS software if still used.
He was also a pal of Dave Caplan, options trader.
Also at that time he had a large 8 ft or so satellite dish in his garden to 'intercept' commodity data.
For the life of me i can't remember how i came to hear about/from him. This was before freely available info and data on the internet - 1995 ish.

His web site doesn't give much info out - is his system still based on implied volatitily, volume and price bars? If so, does it still tie you into buying data from K Ridder (Bridge these days?)

Whether Keith trades his system or not i haven't a clue as i haven't seen or spoken to him since then.


I too have "dont tell the professionals" from back in the 1995 era and spent some time trying to get my head round that method. That approach was based on price and volume and I think that method is probably not too dissimilar to the price and volume approaches described in some of the threads here, however it was for end of day data, and as you say there was not quite enough detail in that book for me to put that approach into practice.

I never met Keith or went on any of his courses however.
Don't touch it with a barg pole.

I know a number of people who have read the book and used the software and like someone posted earlier, there's much better FREE software and tutorials out there. I suppose you can say the book makes a good read, but you would find much more acurate and interesting information on these forums. As for the software it's just like any other charting package with some added colour. Not worth the purchase price.

Then again they do offer a FULL refund if not satisfied with the book or software. 😉

I have brought the course and been on 2 one-to-ones with TESS and have some strong thoughts about the company and their training methods. The reason I am on the T2W site is that I am looking for a system that minimises the risk of trading. Sadly, I do not personally feel that TESS is a rounded enough product to match this criteria. How far advanced are you with your dealings with Trading Edge Worldwide? I would be interested to know.