Trading Courses

Don't waste your money -you will just be another loser- everything you need is freely available from proper resources.
Hello, I am new to trading as well, Any help with free resources and courses will be appreciated.
Most of the courses are held by professional internet marketers, not a traders (even if they call themselves in a such way). That is why it is so difficult to find reliable information. As for me, it would be better to save money and look only for free courses, books or videos. For example, if you are interested in stocks, look at SMB Blog, they are US-based prop-trading firm posting excellent videos for free, and they are real traders, not "gurus".
If you want to invest in trading, it would be better to subscribe for advanced newsfeeds or get useful software like Forex Tester (backtesting software), or just to upgrade your hardware to increase the performance. Any of the ways mentioned will be better than attending forex lessons.
I agree with the last post ...........spend all your time on free training and looking at stuff online

after 2-3 months you will be more informed as to what yuo want to do and the direction you are going

Then and only then consider paying for will still get burnt at times .............but thats life so put it all down to experience ....i have spent thousands on courses over the last 40 years of trading .....very little was related to how i trade now ....but most of it had benefits .....

anyway heres some advice for new traders i posted years ago and still works now


Hi Everyone, I am totally new to trading and need advise on the best affordable online Stock and Forex trading courses. Thanks

Some brokers as hotforex, xm offer various webinar for their trader, I think these webinars could be very helpful for learning practical forex knowledge
forex is for trading, stocks for investing-you need leverage to trade stocks, otherwise you will spend £5,000 to make £20
forex is for trading, stocks for investing-you need leverage to trade stocks, otherwise you will spend £5,000 to make £20

stocks are for investing ? are you saying its not possible to make money on daytrading stocks ?
Why the heck would you try and day trade stocks? I'm talking about the UK here. you'd be lucky to see a 1% profit on a daily basis-take out the bid/ask spread and comms. Even spreadbetting is risible-that's why IG is a FTSE100 company and 99% of its punters live with their mum. Forex spreads are tiny but again pretty much everyone guesses the wrong direction and gets blown up in 6 months. Fooled by randomness
fair enough......hav'nt day traded stocks for years.......didnt realise it was so pitiful now.....assumed still similar to indexes....

hope this could help.. decision process in scanning and trade management(breakout trading)
good luck!
I'm doing the Amplify trading online course at the moment and it is very good! Its £250 a month and at the end of it you get a Level 4 diploma in Trading & Financial Market Analysis. You can complete it in one month .
I'm doing the Amplify trading online course at the moment and it is very good! Its £250 a month and at the end of it you get a Level 4 diploma in Trading & Financial Market Analysis. You can complete it in one month .
Care to give an overview?
Care to give an overview?

Its 10 modules, each with an online yest at the end. All video lesson. Taught by these guys....

The teach everything necessary to create your own strategy and find an edge.

These guys....

Its 10 modules, each with an online yest at the end. All video lesson. Taught by these guys....

The teach everything necessary to create your own strategy and find an edge.

These guys....

Look forward to hearing about your progress. I think anything can work, it's just how you exit that counts