Trading and additional Software packages


Junior member
I have a bit of a stupid question. I never used to trade with the help of additional softwares, but I guess nowadays they are so advanced that they are a real help. I used to trade the old fashion way, I did everyithing myself did huge researches and finally did a trade. Max was 2-3 trades a week. I am strating with CFDs in about a month at CMC and I am planning on taking on some software packages like esignal, advanced GET, omnitrader....
My question now is, how will theses softwares be integrated, will theses have to run completly seperated, in other words with their data feeds on the left screen and when they generate a signal I switch over to the right screen to the CMC platform and execute the trade.
Or is there a chance or is it possible to trade directly on their platform (chart) and the trade is "send over" to CMC and executed there?

I hope someone can enlighten me and open pandoras box for me !!!! 🙂

Regards, and have a great weekend (week),