Trading 1min chart setting


Junior member
Hi Guys

By any chance can you recommend the best setting for a MACD, stochastic, SMA and EMA when trading on a 1min chart? or the best indictors to use when trading 1 min chart?

In my view when trading the 1m TF the best indicator is the 2Oema and Trendlines.

The 20 can tell you the convenient price when trending, the trendlines will give you an idea of what is going on and can help you with PB, BOPB and BO. Keep in mind that on the 1m TF there is a lot of noise and technicality can have less impact.
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Actually there is no such thing as "noise". All transactions provide information. Whether or not the trader understands that information and is able to formulate a plan to take advantage of what he knows is another matter.
In my view when trading the 1m TF the best indicator is the 2Oema and Trendlines.

That's my view, too. Especially horizontal trendlines.

I can live without the EMA-20, but sometimes leave it on the charts mostly because Bob Volman does, and reading his book was what taught me about trading from M1 charts (something I rarely do, these days, admittedly).
That's my view, too. Especially horizontal trendlines.

I can live without the EMA-20, but sometimes leave it on the charts mostly because Bob Volman does, and reading his book was what taught me about trading from M1 charts (something I rarely do, these days, admittedly).

There is a perception that trading a smaller TF will bring more profit, in my view is not the case, Volman is good in his 70 tick chart just because he is a very patient person, he can clearly weight any details without taking any action if is not necessary, he might take no trade after 8 hours of screening if they do not present themselves, I think only a few people have that stamina and that talent to trade in that particular way, many will be overcome by impatience at the least fluctuations after a little while of screening, does it mean with have failed as a trader? No in my view it means with have not find a way that suit our personality as Volman did.
There is a perception that trading a smaller TF will bring more profit, in my view is not the case, Volman is good in his 70 tick chart just because he is a very patient person, he can clearly weight any details without taking any action if is not necessary, he might take no trade after 8 hours of screening if they do not present themselves, I think only a few people have that stamina and that talent to trade in that particular way, many will be overcome by impatience at the least fluctuations after a little while of screening, does it mean with have failed as a trader? No in my view it means with have not find a way that suit our personality as Volman did.

If you are a good trader the faster the TF the better,.......more trades per day equals more profits per day

If you are a good trader the faster the TF the better,.......more trades per day equals more profits per day


Not necessarily. More likely there are greater profits to be made by making the correct entry and sticking with the trade rather than trading in and out.

If you are a good trader the faster the TF the better,.......more trades per day equals more profits per day


Maybe you will be kind enough and explain to us how you come to that conclusion.
This statement is incorrect & shows a lack of understanding regarding real trading.
dbphoenix & Fugazy are correct.

Actually it's not exactly incorrect. If one is exceptionally good at SAR, he could outdo a buy-and-hold (if one can call a daytrader "buy and hold"). But I've never seen any evidence that one can perform at this level, consistently, over a long enough period to make it worthwhile.

Db, I'm not sure I understand your post. Do you mean continuously stopping & reversing?

Yes, but it's largely theoretical. I used to do it when I was bored, but it's impossible to keep up for any length of time, and it really doesn't improve the curve much.

Few people are really good at reversals. They're so concerned about their own failure that they have an extremely difficult time being sensitive to the failures of others, which is what reversals are all about.
This statement is incorrect & shows a lack of understanding regarding real trading.
dbphoenix & Fugazy are correct.

All trading is real. If you buy or sell with a view to reverse the transaction at a later point in time then it is a trade in the markets.

I suspect there is a degree of snobbery that pervades among traders. A 5 minute scalp is every bit a trade as a 3 month trade.
Any more of this insulting each other as opposed to discussing the subject area, regardless of who started it will result in garden leave for those who engage in it. It is a waste of mods time and is always "off topic"
rather than focus on what indicator/setting to use it's more helpful to focus on the trading strategy itself, and what TF or indicator(s), or even lack of them, is required to best execute that strategy. Hope that helps a little.

Trading the smaller cycles, requires an extreme focus on the minimum that is required. very good post Dow jones. To the point , and universal applicable.

I've test 2000+ free MT4 indicators and really hard to find good indicator on 1min chart, the above reply already tell you about 'noise'. Well, here it one of the my top 10 indicators using which still work on 1min chart. Gaussian Rainbow give new idea when to buy and also the trend going. You must love it, this indicator can be used in 1min chart up to month chart. I find this Rainbow indicator after I create EMA_MUSIC_STAVE indicator. MUSIC_STAVE try to catch the High/Low of each candle even in 1min chart, but really quite poor on outlook, whereas Gaussian Rainbow quite good look for long period of time.


here is a picture on compare on Gaussian Rainbow with my indicator EMA_MUSIC_STAVE.
Rainbow make you comfort, buy MUSIC_STAVE catch High/Low if possible.
Rainbow can solve the 'noise' and tell you when to entry and exit.
Well, MUSIC_STAVE catch the pivot if possible which Rainbow can't.
You can easy find pivot about 1/2 lag of candle time to see V turn on calculated line.
Whereas Rainbow need you to beat it.


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