Tradestation for Day trading


Well-known member

I was looking about at different systems and wondering a little about Tradestation 8.

The site gives you more details about some fancy bits and automated trading, but I can't tell if it also has all the normal execution functions that you need as a day trader.

I am thinking about a Level 2 / Total view screen where I can read the profile of the buyers and sellers and a time and sales screen.

The matrix window looks very interesting, but not quite the same as L2 when trading on the Nasdaq.

Does TS have L2 and T&S?
Can it be used to day trade Nasdaq stocks?

Or should I look elsewhere such as eSignal or one of the other execution packages?

So, maybe this appears to be a bit of a dumb question, but it just looks so different on their web site from other packages such as eSignal, RealTick or the like.

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Thanks for that Money_magnet1,

Since I asked that question, I contacted Trade Station and they were able to answer a few questions I had, and send me a demo CD of the system. The demo, I feel, shows the platform to be a lot more versatile than the web site explains. And does have the components which I was a little concerned about.

I have since opened an account and am just now waiting on my money transfer being credited to my account. So, soon I will know for sure.
