Tradestation and European Futures


Hello to all,
I have currently an Tradestation 8.3 subscription with an Futures account at Rjobrien.
But I can not trade the european futures market with Rjobrien.
Has somebody a solution ?
I would like to trade automatically (and not manually)the eurostoxx 50 Futures with tradestation 8.3. Is it possible ?
How can I do ? :clap:
Thank you in advance. 🙂
Best regards.
Non. pas possible. Tu dois choisir un autre courtier pour ça. Ts will direct you to TS 3.0 (or RJO 's platform) which a sort of ancient unreliable manual execution patform.
You can trade these products through RJO , just not direct through the TS platform and you need to move some capital into a seperate account in order to post margin. RJO provide you with a seperate execution software for it. You may be better off going via somebody like IB or MFGlobal and use one of the 3rd party software products which can interface between ts and broker API's , then you will also need to get data into TS via something like Owndata. It is not straight forward but it can be done. Alternatively just start trading us futures and sticlk with normal TS account..only downside there is that you need to have $ account which is a loser in itself.