Tradestation 8.1 (build 3066)

Telephone Tradestation support might as well not exist, they are a bunch or morons on the whole. I can only imagine that they pay peanuts or that it is deliberate as the online support is pretty good and has some very smart bods posting on the boards.

As for the strategy question you mention, yes, it is true that something can backtest terribly but work in reality. I always put this down to my coding limitations as when I look back at what TS had actually done in execution it becomes obvious why the strategy is looking so bad. All to do with the slippage. Also a lot depends on the markets you are focussed on. In something like HU, HO or CL access sessions there are a lot of very small volume relatively large moves which can really screw up the results.
I run some models on TS which I trade manually and I find that over time I can significantly improve on them by handling execution this way. These are systems that backtest profitably however..I do not feel too comfortable trading soething which shows a negative result in backtest even if it is clear where it is losing out. If you can account for the problems and still show a positive backtest this is definitely a better bet.
Time based breakout system EL code


does anyone have the EL code for a time based breakout strategy that I can use as a framework for this type of strategy, that will for example -

go long on a breakout above the high of todays 9am - 11am price range, OR go short on a breakout below the low of todays 9am - 11am price range.

if the trade is still open at eg. 2100, I want to add code to the entry strategy so that it will exit any open position as soon after 2100 as is possible.

I will also run external stops loss' and profit target strategies alongside this strategy,

I've searched TSW for similar code but have so far drawn a blank.

Any input appreciated
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