Traders Magazine


Well-known member
Hi all

For some reason I seem have been sent two traders magazine.

If anyone out there have not got one send me your details via e-mail and I will be glad to send it to you post free!

First come first served.

Don't forget I will be selling on your address details to the highest bidder!!

Just joking

Have a great day
Looks like we all get two copies! Don't know why they print a subscription slip. It's a good magazine but their admin must be in a mess.
........and so say all of us!!!!!! I guess this is one way to boost the circulation figures. Sharky beware what your paying for with your half page ad.

I thought it was only two free issues? Has anyone actually subscribed to the mag yet, or are they trying to get us into it with another free issue?

Whats the general consensus of the magazine, anyway? I'll put my head on the block and say that personally I think it's still early days for it (read into that what you will) but I wouldnt be tempted with a subscr. just yet.
I'am still thinking about it.

They have had some very interesting articles in the first 3 Free mags.(a bit of a mouthful there!)

Lets hope the rest of them will be free also.
I think the first three issues have been very good but I am suffering from information overload and don't need to pay for a magazine. Can't complain if they keep sending two for free.
I thought the first few were good, although parts seemed to be secret adverts ... there are fairly obvious links between a number of articles and the advertisers! (Nothing by Sharky so far <g>)
Generally pretty good though, I tried to subscribe via their site originally - I'm sending the card off! As a subscriber to TASC I think this is a nice extra, and they save me reading Physics mags at lunchtimes so that's handy.... with guys like Bulkowski in TASC, and some quite good articles on things like L2 etc in Traders I'm happy enough - either one is a damn sight better than Chronic Inventor after all!
The publishers of the magazine are, I believe, German.

In Germany and a lot of other European countries (UK is the exception) it is standard practice that when you take out an advertisement you get 'free' editorial pro-rata. Therefore the editorial in these magazines is not as impartial as one is used to in UK publications.

Only in the UK do we have in the majority of paid-for trade and technical publications, a complete separation between editorial and advertising - and therefore freedom of editorial and ability to concentrate on newsworthy developments and stories, irrespective of whether the companies mentioned are paying for advertising or not. That's the main reason that UK publications (as well as the language advantage) lead the world.

So from DaveJB's observation about parts being secret adverts, you now know why!
v-a-i-r-y interstink... but shtupid dumb... (anyone recognise that? <g>) I think it's okay, provided the articles are worth reading - so far I'd say a few have been, and I will pay £30 for the next bunch as a result... before anyone gets upset I AM looking at this as a normal reader, I'm kinda hoping my bit results in a cheque at some point but it was more a favour for the outfit our book is being published by - ie I'm not actually sure I'm getting paid <g> 'Our' means me and another T2W member by the way....
My view here is that TA is worth reading about, the UK mags are pants, so I subscribed to TASC a couple of years back and think it's great - but stuff like the L2 etc articles, the sort of topic Traders is covering, are darn good intros to areas I'm not familiar with but MIGHT look to get into. I'm an EOD TA type, but keep wondering if I might find a small account to bet on the FTSE etc could be useful, or maybe futures would be worth a look at... the trader articles help me decide that sort of thing, and I'm subscribing for that rather than the 'pure' TA that I get from TASC.
Hi Dave,

I agree and I'll be subscribing too. I don't get any magazines at the moment (apart from Private Eye) so I think I deserve a treat 🙂
And to put everyone out of their misery you might as well let them know the fellow T2W member is me 🙂
didn't want to spill the beans <g> I get PC Pro, TASC, and then I buy all the other PC mags I see anyway - but I don't order them so it doesn't count.... I kinda read a lot.... To be honest, I think there's more to TASC (Tech Analysis of Stocks and Commodities) but Traders just seemed a nice read, and it was subscribe to that or start reading my son's Lord of the Rings wargames mag.
Oh, by the way, here's a bit of a hoot considering the attempt at technical stuff on pooters - I've been finding my Win XP pretty dodgy since putting a faster CPU in a few days back, so I've been tearing out the spare hardware I sellotaped to it for the buk ritin. (That IS how you wire up a 10/100 LAN isn't it?) So, to try to resolve an XP stability problem I removed no longer used hardware from my Pc's configuration, and Office XP said 'reactivate me, you've changed' - only at 23.15 they've all gone home! So it turned off 'reply' in Outlook, can't dave from Office apps etc. Neat eh - Win XP goes dodgy, remove extraneous bits as they often cause this sort of thing, PC cripples itself because you tried to fix it!