Well said Majster, They have the same approach when it comes to introducing new markets (nas)time frames (55,89,377) and moderators (pick one).
I spoke with Dale recently and he told me he doesn't ''have time'' to trade, it seems that none of the moderators have faith in the system that we paid $7500 for.
Look at their website and you'll see their ''trader of the year'' Jimmy Polidoris, for whom traders international has ''changed his life'' of course it has, he's the guy who programmed the JTI, he works fo TI!!
Have a look at how Andrew Barnett promotes himself at
Speaker Bio in my 16 months with TI I only once ever saw him moderate a trading room and yet he claims to be like some sort of guru to 600 traders.
YouTube - Tradelab you will see Rich Malcolm (1.08) saying how great the moderator is and how he makes 12% a day (he IS the moderator and he DOESN'T TRADE) you will also see Peter Eldsworth the CEO of TI Australia (5.55)pretending to be a trader.
I have also seen Dale take down the arrows off losing trades just before Andrew or Afshin are bringing in prospective new traders for a tour.
These are just some of the issues I have with TI and when I brought them up with Andrew Barnett he told me I was being ''ludicrous and untrue'' and said he would like to talk to me on Skype, that was 3 months ago and despite me making several appointments with him he hasnt kept any of them.
Please, save your money and don't trade with Traders International.
Best of luck