Damian Oakley course: feedback needed

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Id like to hear feedback from members about the course sold by Damian Oakley.

if you have purchased the course, then what is your experience?

what is YOUR track record using the system? Damian has told me he has made 21% and 38% this year with shares and options methods respectively. Is your performance same/similar to this?

is the system mechanical or discretionary?

what sort of support do you get?

how long did you trade it? Are you still trading?

if you are uncomfortable to discuss here, feel free to PM me.

I have checked out his website. I want to hear from real people.

Thank you.

No course is worth paying for. Everything you need is here on T2W and elsewhere on the net.
If he's so good, why is he selling this system?

No course is worth paying for. Everything you need is here on T2W and elsewhere on the net.
If he's so good, why is he selling this system?
The ol' chestnut about courses continues to smoulder away and, doubtless, will continue to do so for evermore. I don't propose to regurgitate the same arguments put forward elsewhere on the forums but, suffice to say, I've done various courses over the years - some bad (not worth paying for) and some good (well worth paying for). I haven't attended Damian's course, so I've no idea as to which category he falls into. However, if I wanted to learn about swing and position trading U.S. equities, I would certainly consider his course. His contributions on here are invariably sensible and helpful. As to why he's selling his system, there are numerous possibilities. Here are a few off the the top of my head . . .
1. While his service may or may not include anything that can be researched for free right here on T2W, his course may enable the 'student' to short cut what may otherwise be a very long and slow learning curve. Students pay to get from A to B a lot faster than they would do under their own steam.
2. Diversification for Damian. If he enjoys coaching, has time to do it and it pays, it's another string to his bow. Good on him, I'd do the same if I could!
3. Coaching / training is just another business like any other. Supply and demand. If Damian provides a service that folks want at a price that they can afford, he gets business. If he's too expensive or no good etc., then his coaching business won't last long.
I'm sure there are many other good reasons besides these.
P.S. Damian - you can buy me a pint when you're next in the U.K. :cheesy:
4th. Trading can be a little like becoming a hermit. Running some training can satisfy needs that trading doesn't. Lots of people enjoy teaching others.
shall we wait to hear from people who have bought the course, assuming there exist such people here?
2. Diversification for Damian. If he enjoys coaching, has time to do it and it pays, it's another string to his bow. Good on him, I'd do the same if I could!
3. Coaching / training is just another business like any other. Supply and demand. If Damian provides a service that folks want at a price that they can afford, he gets business. If he's too expensive or no good etc., then his coaching business won't last long.

the best thing about courses (from the seller's point of view) is that they are a money earner that takes little effort. it's almost like having a secure job without the hassles and it's better than trading because there is no downside.

I totaly disagree with your comment that bad courses will have no takers.
the best thing about courses (from the seller's point of view) is that they are a money earner that takes little effort. it's almost like having a secure job without the hassles and it's better than trading because there is no downside.
I totaly disagree with your comment that bad courses will have no takers.
Hi tss42,
I don't provide training courses but, nonetheless, I'm 100% confident that those that do will be hopping mad at the idea that courses are easy money that takes little effort. I've had 1-2-1 coaching from Mr. Charts (well worth paying for!) If you care to email or PM him - and please be my guest - ask him if the money I paid him was 'easy money'. I think I know the reply! I can be a complete pain in the aaaarse and I seriously doubt I'm the only one of his students that fall unceremoniously into this category. As to your point about bad courses having no takers - this is more complicated. I suspect - but it is only a suspicion - that most courses (but not all courses by any means) are actually quite good in that they do what they say they do. However, there is often a complete disconnect between what the course advertises and what the prospective student thinks they're going to receive. This next comment isn't aimed at you tss42, but it does apply to a lot of people who go on courses: they think they're buying the holy grail. The logic is, 'I've paid £XXXX to vendor, ipso facto, I will be a successful trader'. When they fail to make the profits they dreamed of or, heavens forbid, they actually lose money, then it's the fault of the course and the course vendor and absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with them. This is human nature. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm guilty of such naive thinking myself in the past and attended several courses and wasted many hundreds of pounds before this particular penny dropped.
mate, what you think to be hard work is not at all hard work at all. Selling trading seminars/courses whatever to make a good living is actally extremely easy. Yes the first couple will be tough if you have never done that before, but do 3-4 and see how easy it is. Next you'll say being an estate agent is hard work. yeah, right.

You know what's tough? Try being a fund manager or CTA. your performance has to be audited and then it will be scrutinised by every flipping fund supermarket website or newspaper. that's not to say the crap ones don't make any money because there is no shortage of stupid pension fund managers who would still go and buy those dogs, instead of buying the top performers, but still it's way more difficult than selling courses.
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In fact you remember I started a thread on what to ask a system seller before paying up? I think I'll start a thread on how to make a living selling courses. Itll be educational for me as well, cos I'll learn the tricks as I go along... there's easy money mate, waiting to be picked by the not so faint hearted... a hell lot easier than this trading lark for sure...
just an update:

I have been contacted by some students of damian oakley to say that his trading method has crashed this year and their accounts are showing losses in the region of around 15-20%.

I have also been contacted by damian himself and he claims that his long-only stock system has made 21% this year SINCE 1st JANUARY 2008.

Obviously someone is being economical with truth here. those taught by damian oakley may want to wish to take this up with him. either he is telling a number of fibs to get my business, or he does not teach what he trades...

Nice, innit?

ps. interesting part is, the method is apparently a fully mechanical system, so two people following the system would get pretty much the same results.
I have been contacted by some students of damian oakley to say that his trading method has crashed this year and their accounts are showing losses in the region of around 15-20%.
Have you really? Does anyone else find this extremely unlikely?

Why would anyone contact you, a self-declared would-be system-scammer with that sort of info?

Mods, can I ask you to have tss42 prove this by providing you with copies of emails (unlikely) or PMs (as unlikely) of such claims. And if not forthcoming, delete this post and ban tss42?
Why does it bother you so much? Or have you also bought a DO course and is it hurting too much?

If it doesn't concern you.

Go post your witty comments where people will clap.
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I have been contacted by some students of damian oakley to say that his trading method has crashed this year and their accounts are showing losses in the region of around 15-20%.

I have also been contacted by damian himself and he claims that his long-only stock system has made 21% this year SINCE 1st JANUARY 2008.

tss, this is quite a claim and more than one person thinks it is not true.

If it is true please feel free to send me copies of some of the emails so that I can verify them - I will confirm their veracity. If you don't do so then I guess people will continue to doubt your claims.
thought for the day !

As long as people profit, does it matter if they have told the truth or a lie ? If it does matter , and if it does matter to T2W then guidance on truth policies should be made visible and if that were the case then.

There were a number of complaints from real members about this claim so it's worth testing. Lets see if there is any proof. As Buddha said "don't take anything I say on faith."

CB, if you were a Buddhist you would be a Crap Buddhist. 🙂

Disclaimer: The second part of this post is my own personal view and does not necessarily represent those of the management of T2W.
CB, if you were a Buddhist you would be a Crap Buddhist. 🙂

Disclaimer: The second part of this post is my own personal view and does not necessarily represent those of the management of T2W.[/QUOTE]

Thats the idea 🙂
Why is the onus on me to prove that a system seller's claims are true? Why is the onus never on the vendor here? a casual onlooker may be forgiven for thinking this site exists to promote vendors.

why not let a student of damian oakley come forward and post a log of trades to prove that the system has made money to the tune claimed by damian? why not let damian post a broker statement?

won't it be a great advert for him if his claims were actually all true? what's there to hide?
Because your claims above lack the ring of truth. Some of our members doubt you and I myself wonder.

So I guess your post means that you won't be responding to the challenge.
Why is the onus on me to prove that a system seller's claims are true?
The onus was, and still is, on you to prove your claims are true (about a number of disgruntled DO students contacting you).

Nine offered you an opportunity to substantiate your claims, you clearly have failed to do that. No surprise there really and confirms my, and others, suspicions of you.

Your integrity appears to be on a par with your honesty.

mods - does direct and deliberate libel of DO not contravene site guidelines. I imagine DO could hold this site responsible?

As a secondary question: Does the site benefit from an individual such as tss42 whose sole aim appears to be to rubbish (without apparent proof) other vendors’ systems and courses, while openly attempting to lash one together himself?
Why is the onus on me to prove that a system seller's claims are true?

It isn't on you and everyone knows how T2W members (including Bramble) give vendors a challenging time when claims are made that are questionable. However, it is a very different story to say that several students of a specific vendor have personally contacted you to rubbish what they are selling.

If true then it is quite unique because it is not something that I have really heard about happening in the past 5 years and this covers numerous vendors making all sorts of ludicrous claims.
