Trader wanted

I really dont know how your (low) numbers come together.

Let's take a strategy that has an estimated return per trade of 0,15 times the risked amount. Note that this includes drawdown etc. - statistical target is double the risked capital. That is quite doable. THis means fo a risk of 200 USD, one gets a net profit, after drawdowns, of USD 30. Short term trading. Note that I dont say "a trade wins USD 30".

This means to have this as 2% trade risk, this is USD 10.000 capital needed.

Lets assume one makes 5 average trades per day. This is absolutely in the reach of certain strategies, and we do not talk of scalping 2-3 points here. I have a strategy on my table with a Risk of 300 USD that takes out an average of 100 USD per trade, and stays in the market about 8-12 minutes each time.

This gives us:
- 5 trades per day, USD 30 profit each, is 150 USD profit.
- 20 trading days this makes USD 3000 profit.

Easy 30%. This is halfly conservative.

Why dont funds make that? Well, there is a total limit of capictal one can take out. One can not do such little trades with a 100 million account. And a stop loss there... is acutally something one can not hav ein the market, because a 1000 contract stop may move the market, one has to wokrk strategically, i.e. on a larger timeframe. Heck, a fund may use an intraday strategy to "hide its entry" (use buy ocasions for buying a couple of hundred contracts each).

This is why big traders make less in percent. Small accounts... should get 1% per day minimum, better 2-3. And this is doable with a lot of smaller lower risk trades.
Thanks Sean, Arabian and Nice Surf for the ongoing advice.

I certainly agree that you should be extremely wary of transferring money to others. That is a recipe for disaster.

Our model is based upon placing funds in our own broker accounts and then giving traders a limited power of attorney to use the account.

So the risk is a dud trader that blows the account, however, that is controlled to the extent that we can monitor trading activity, position sizing etc.

I agree that we may have to go threw a number of enquiries to get the gems. However, our plan again is to test and measure on modest pilot accounts (with real funds) and then scale up once we have condidence in the trader and system.

We are now up to 6 traders so we are coming along very nicely, but we are always happy to here from more, so if you have what it takes!!!, please email me for an information pack;

[email protected]

I wonder how Glenn and his gang got on?
The ideal candidate would have 3 years +, however we are keeping our options open and have no problem in considering people with shorter trading experience.

I have 3 weeks trading experience, 2 trades, this month no losses and 6% return, should be 10% if I was a few hours earlier 🙂

Seriously what sucessful trader that makes 10%+ per month is going to apply, the £100k would be peanuts?