Trader Resume


Junior member
Does anybody have any tips for what to include/not include on a resume if I was to apply for a trainee trader type position as an University graduate?

While I'll be putting down the couple of months I spend at a futures brokerage in China, I'm not so sure about the other, not so relevant work experiences. After all, does anybody care that I used to mark GCSE exams? (did you know they send them down here to Australia to get marked? The easier questions anyway) What about the not relevant, but could twist-into-relevancy like telemarketing? 😱

Also, is there an unspoken length limit? I've heard for IBs that as a grad, your resume shouldn't go over 1 page, simply because IB people are busy, and as a grad, you can't possibly have achieved anything of note worthy of a multi-page resume.
hi there yuapanda?!
Your CV should be 1 page for IB's some of them want txt format online applications (strange)

You should try to do your CV as relevant to trading as possible (sales is good)

action ----> result.

There are alot of books that can help you. i.e vault, inside careers,etc.

also do some google search, always help.
"yuapanda" is an amalgamation of my initials and a nickname I picked up in high school 😱

I'll go have a look, though I'm hoping I don't need to buy a Vault subscription; I'm still a poor Uni student after all.
"yuapanda" is an amalgamation of my initials and a nickname I picked up in high school 😱

I'll go have a look, though I'm hoping I don't need to buy a Vault subscription; I'm still a poor Uni student after all.

go careers services and get vault book for free!? Poor student LoL.

If the market continues like this we will all be poor 🙁
hi ,go through these points for creating an effective resume.
Make sure you use clear category headings for things like your objective, education and related studies, work experience, project work, skills, volunteer experience, activities & hobbies and references.

Tailored to the Job

Your resume should always be tailored to the job for which you are applying.


Be sure to use clear, concise language to get your information across. You want to be thorough but brief. Your resume should not be any longer than two pages. Use short phrases and succinct points rather than long sentences.

Spelling & Grammar

Check and double check your resume for any errors. Mistakes in spelling and grammar will often cause an employer to discard a resume immediately, so always proofread!

i will also suggest you to visit these sites for creating a professional and online resume quickly.

Free Online Resume Builder, Writing and Resume Maker, Resume Builder tips
Professional free online resume maker, make your resume builder easy
Free online resume builder, create your resume with resume builder easy

best of luck!!👍