Trader looking for capital

On the contrary, I agree. I would recommend against investing in someone without a track record. But I have one, unfortunately no one seems interested...

With so many people buying systems and clicking on adverts, paying for chat room signal services,... I thought my proposal was something mutually beneficial and at least I have something to back up my claims.

Hi Delzako,
I don't know if you missed my earlier post, pointing you towards individuals, looking for traders. have also sent you a message giving you the details of the thread.

There are investors looking for traders, on this forum, but they are very savvy and aware and want backed up proof.
One of them is only asking for a 5% return a month.
so explore those threads and you will find what you want.
If you are confident in your abilities then bank on yourself as no one else will. Borrow the money from friends or relatives. The point of difference is that it will be as a business contract with water-tight clauses.

So you need to offer a win-win situation to your Lender which we will call your friend in this case, it could be anyone. You can then set up a kind of venture capital style investment. E.g. Borrow 10k, lender has 3 options available to them:
1) fixed interest rate (set interest rate over the given return even if you fail to make any money from your ventures; at the end of the term you repay both the principal and the interest)
2) fixed + variable (combination of both (1) and (3))
3) variable only (% amount based on the returns you made in the given term)

With the variable option if you stuff up you just give them back their original investment. Of course it all depends on the risk averseness of the Lender and who they are, how well they know you and how you know them. Trust is always a major important factor as too as to how you pitch your sale.

Draft up a contract, make it water tight for both parties, particularly yourself and go for it. If you are that confident you can make money and you have solid results to back you up then do it. If you stuff up then you stuff up but at least you went for it. If you keep on deliberating you won't get anything done.
I believe if you go to a hedge fund and show them your track record they will sign you up and give you money ... It is not that hard if you have a track record. Size is always an issue and you are pretty honest and correct to say 20% return on a small amount is not scalable to a big fund... I have spoken to hedgies in my life and they all love a money making strategy... get a list.. (every other building in berkley square is one ) .. go knocking and say you want to join on contract, here is my track record and we split the profit this way ... you will have more sucess than writing posts here .. but if you have a track record like you say you do, that is very impressive and you are very good... I
I believe if you go to a hedge fund and show them your track record they will sign you up and give you money ... It is not that hard if you have a track record. Size is always an issue and you are pretty honest and correct to say 20% return on a small amount is not scalable to a big fund... I have spoken to hedgies in my life and they all love a money making strategy... get a list.. (every other building in berkley square is one ) .. go knocking and say you want to join on contract, here is my track record and we split the profit this way ... you will have more sucess than writing posts here .. but if you have a track record like you say you do, that is very impressive and you are very good... I

You think??
yeah .. i think this is a more sensible way .. I have worked briefly in PE world for about a year and many times we would have a deal and no investor (working for a very very small firm) and we would just cold call poeple and pitch them the idea and we used to find investors like that ... it is not easy for him .. but hey if you want capital, go where the capital is
Hi, I hope this isn't the wrong place to post... but... I have a consistently profitable strategy which I've backtested thoroughly, papertraded for a year and traded live this year. I'm averaging about 20% per month, but due to my financial situation I can't compound and need to take out all profits for living expenses (it is a small account).

This puts me under some pressure to perform, and I am reluctant to accepting money from family or friends for two reasons: it would not be big enough to help me move forward but put unnecessary stress on me and second I think I could have devastating effects on my personal relationships if things didn't go as planned.

I could really use some advice on how to get someone to back me or somehow help me get access to bigger funds. I have a verifiable track record and noticed there are people on this site hiring traders, but I prefer to trade from home instead of working prop.

I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some tips or advice... either here or by PM...

It's just as easy to get money from investors now as it has ever been. Here are some suggestions:
geeeh... i have not known someone hiring a trader to do trades??? sorry.. just started trading around july been reading few books only and never seem to stick to any of them (that's probably why am on negative at the moment 🙁 last traded 2 months ago... afraid to lose my capital again 🙁 wish there's a faster way to learn how to be better in this profession 🙁
I love the guys who have 20% "systems"...... see you on the way down!
Good luck- if the system is working then it will only take time to to build capital yourself using it.
Thanks. I am glad this misunderstanding has been cleared up. I definitely would not like anyone who reads this thread to get the wrong idea about my risk vision towards trading someone else's money...

You said something about trading ETX capital account, did you attract potential investors posting the results here?

Unless something else shows up, It looks as if Collective2 is the most interesting way to build a track record, because in the meantime I could collect a bit of money from people subscribing to it...

If you've created a system on Collective2, post the name here so we can check it out. If you are really as good as you said you are, you can charge a high sub and people will still subscribe. Then you'll be a millionaire in no time.
Hi, I hope this isn't the wrong place to post... but... I have a consistently profitable strategy which I've backtested thoroughly, papertraded for a year and traded live this year. I'm averaging about 20% per month, but due to my financial situation I can't compound and need to take out all profits for living expenses (it is a small account).

This puts me under some pressure to perform, and I am reluctant to accepting money from family or friends for two reasons: it would not be big enough to help me move forward but put unnecessary stress on me and second I think I could have devastating effects on my personal relationships if things didn't go as planned.

I could really use some advice on how to get someone to back me or somehow help me get access to bigger funds. I have a verifiable track record and noticed there are people on this site hiring traders, but I prefer to trade from home instead of working prop.

I'd really appreciate it if you could give me some tips or advice... either here or by PM...

hey to a guy called Fielder....he'll show you how to make millions out of systems only 10% as good as yours......😛

Seriously - sounds a good one wishes in the future 👍

Hello delzako..

What you have decided is right..
just go ahead,
All the Best

Orange county investment criteria

Everything is real-time, live trading, no demo or papertrading.

Trading friends or families money is much more stressful, if something went wrong I would forever be carrying the stigma of the person who lost money.

I don't have issues with trading size...rather the opposite: I prefer to make 5% on a big account, then having to make 20% on a small account, just to cover my living expenses.