Trader Kills Wife

stevet said:
better hope that is one rich spouse - then maybe you would not need to trrade at alll anyway!

lol yes! 😀

Seriously, I know people who were stuck on the learning curve for years. Their wives brought home the bacon and supported them in their decision to do trading.

In the end all worked out and they're making money now. 🙂
with the support aspect, learning trading can expose people to emotional psychological trauma, like any new learning experience to say support is not required is iffy. thankfully the aware recognise the need to offer support from birth to death in many areas of life. rather than say tough sh*t a hole , get on with it..or F off out.

support is offered for a lot of high emotional exposure professions, why should trading be different ? your more likely to succeed with both trading and your marriage with support from each other.
like trading, love your wife, else cut her free and divorce. and love only yourself.
Trader or Gambler?

I suppose the question is are all losing traders gamblers?

I often say to people that if you fail in this business and lose all your money (as most failed
traders do) then people will call you a gambler and say you gambled it all away (as some have
already posted).
But if you succeed then you are a genius/successful businessman and everyone wants to know how you do it.

If i have 100K but i lose 50K and quit is that the same as the guy who starts with 25K and loses it all and- then blows another 25K on credit before quitting?
We both lost the same amount of money but most people would say he was a gambler where
as i took a big risk but cut my losses when things didnt work out.

For all we know this guy could of had an edge, but failed because he didnt use proper risk
management or because he overtraded.

He might have failed not because he gambled, but he because he didnt know how to trade properly.
donaldduke quote
"I suppose the question is are all losing traders gamblers?"

you have to be careful with the word gambler - since gamblers take part in gambling and by extension, a casino owner is a gambler - but he plays the odds to his advantage

but in the normally accepted understanding of the word - gambler - the difference between a trader and a gambler - is that a trader will end up making money and a gambler will never succeed - since the one who is a learner trader learns and admits their errors and tries to correct them - the gambler never learns - and will always tell you how much he wins - even as they are going down the swanny
you'd best ask him first, what was the earliest memories of his childhood and take it from there.... maybe his parent figures called him a loser from day one..... maybe he wanted to trade like a big boy does with big lots, maybe he hates women..... interesting stuff... everybody gets what they want, possibly in the longer term of things.... but long term were all dead anyhow..... err sorry we change form, energy, diffussion n all that.. without knowing his money/risk/method we cant call it gambling or trading unless being under-capped is a gamble or just a bigger risk, assuming his method had merit.suppose it depends if he was popular and generally liked. maybe he had a wife hooked on coke and he thought he was being compassionate, 10 blows too many really to support that point I'd of thought, o.k. i'll stop there.
stevet said:
mmmm ..... now there's a thought!
must do some spread...betting next time i go to the Sanderson Hotel bar

NOT fu*ked-up-to-hell loser, trader
fu*ked-up-to-hell loser, GAMBLER
Mmmm I take your point, stevet.

As no doubt for you also for me, I could never regard trading as gambling; even when I was only token/test trading I would stop even if it was only a very small loss .. when developing my trading model.
yep - its attitude - some bet and some learn - trading is about controling losses, first and foremost - after that - controlling your wins is the icing on the cake! and a very thick icing it can be too!
From my understanding of the US version of PDT if you go below the required amount it does not matter if you transfer funds to cover this quickly. The broker is forced to freeze your account for a number of days to clear the number of day trades taken in a short period. Only when this has cleared do the brokers make the account available somewhere between 3 and 5 days apparently.
Has Trade 2 Win got a self help group? Maybe he should have traded her in for a new model.
Perhaps it's time for members to have straight jackets on a bad day.
There could be money in this guys! A whole new meaning to going long or short!
Stoat Lady.
From the Daily Mail:

A retired businessman who budgeoned his wife to death after she found he had lost their £44,000 life savings trading in shares on the Internet was jailed for life yesterday after being found guilty of her murder.

I'm just surprised that he didn't twig that he was using the wrong strategy way before it reached a £44,000 loss.
Perhaps he was a ‘buy and hold’ merchant who bought in March 2000 and was waiting for the 'bounce' that didn’t come……

A lot of top traditional financial institutions are like that apparently, and people wonder why they keep hearing about seriously underwater pension funds and those with huge “black holes”….

Hedge funds rool ok……?

And a tragic tale whatever the reasons…..
I've still got a wife if any of you traders is struggling with the urge ,but don't want to dispense with your own... 😉 details on application (I nearly wrote DOA but that would have been in bad taste)
you mean the bounce isnt coming??? 🙂

(still short and looking for 9700 and below before the US election lol.....)

Skimbleshanks said:
I'm just surprised that he didn't twig that he was using the wrong strategy way before it reached a £44,000 loss.
Maybe is was just one trade....
Originally Posted by Skimbleshanks
I'm just surprised that he didn't twig that he was using the wrong strategy way before it reached a £44,000 loss.
Wasn't John Urbanek of The Sunday Times fame about £50k down before he turned it around and made most of it back by the time his weekly column ended? Perhaps he thought the 'big one' was just around the corner...
Alphabet said:
Wasn't John Urbanek of The Sunday Times fame about £50k down before he turned it around and made most of it back by the time his weekly column ended? Perhaps he thought the 'big one' was just around the corner...

He was one of many who got caught by the end of the Tech bubble.
No doubt he was being paid by the Sunday Times, so he may not have been too badly off even when losing on shares.

Never mistake a bull market for skill.

"It is also understood the father-of-two was desperate to win the money back before it was spotted as missing - so he spent hundreds of pounds on National Lottery tickets."

Defintely a gambler. Shouldnt have gone anywhere near the markets..