Trade Simulator for paper money, best one?


Junior member
I am in search of a FREE trade simulator that will allow me to freely trade (simulate) paper money in the markets.

Direct links very welcomed. I have absolutely no knowledge on this topic, and it's not the easiest thing to search for with 0 knowledge. 🙂

Thank you for the help.
I am in search of a FREE trade simulator that will allow me to freely trade (simulate) paper money in the markets.

Direct links very welcomed. I have absolutely no knowledge on this topic, and it's not the easiest thing to search for with 0 knowledge. 🙂

Thank you for the help.

Depends on what country you are in, and what markets you plan to trade.

If in the UK, I'd recommend a spreadbetting company, IG index or TradeFair are very intuative. Tradefair has a demo account you can practice on, and I believe IG markets (CFD) platform have a demo also.

If outside of the UK and trading Forex, then I'd recommend MB trading demo account, or perhaps an MT4 platform, such as Alpari, as you get a demo account, all your charting and can practice to your hearts content.

Hope that helps,