Trade Journal and Trade Diary


Anyone know where one can download a free trade journal/diary in spreadsheet form?
I've always used a straight out notebook of trades/result/reason for result etc; but I've been told I should leave the middle ages behind and use a spreadsheet to avoid manual calculations - trouble is I've never made up a spreadsheet all on my own and haven't got the patience or time to learn how to make one up.
Cheers Forex Folks:clap:
Is the manual calculations / written diary notebook system working for you? If it is, why change a winning system?
p.s I came across a rudimentary one somewhere on yahoo finance about 6 months back but can't find it now.
Is the manual calculations / written diary notebook system working for you? If it is, why change a winning system?

Wow, what a quick response..thanks Westernforce. Yeah my old fashioned way works(been a profitable trader for just over 2 years now) but i just take a few sec's more than I have to if I had it set up in a spreadsheet with the calculations done for me.I guess i feel a bit stooopid not keeping a proper electronic journal and once in a while I google the subject
Cheers Westernforce:cheesy:
Depends what sort of info you want to keep as part of your journal. Some of the info I may find relevant to my record keeping may be of no significance to you, and visa versa. I still find a good quality hand written journal works for me, although I do keep a basic excel spreadsheet available for quick reference.

Happy trades
on woodies cci site there are a couple spread sheets that are comprehensive although geared to cci. may be some ideas for you there or just modify those spreadsheets

woodies cci forum
Anyone know where one can download a free trade journal/diary in spreadsheet form?
I've always used a straight out notebook of trades/result/reason for result etc; but I've been told I should leave the middle ages behind and use a spreadsheet to avoid manual calculations - trouble is I've never made up a spreadsheet all on my own and haven't got the patience or time to learn how to make one up.
Cheers Forex Folks:clap:

The spreadsheet you use now is fine. That is something that is irrelevant to your bottom line,unless you are going to make a presentation.
What is important is to be;
TECHNICAL with the charts. ( but that is my opinion ! YOUR TURN🙂
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The spreadsheet you use now is fine. That is something that is irrelevant to your bottom line,unless you are going to make a presentation.
What is important is to be;
TECHNICAL with the charts. ( but that is my opinion ! YOUR TURN🙂

he's probably died waiting for your response by now Spanky