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What Software To Use ???

I read some article about software on spread betting central.

""The web site is a web based charting site which offers free end of day data and you can subscribe to the real time data of you choice. This has the advantage that you don't have to pay for a whole section of data, just the data you require. I have only used the end of day data myself, the charting functionality is good.""

I checked website.I was consider to buy sharescope gold (end of day data) £16/month.Is prorealtime (free version )better than sharescope gold ?

What would you recommend?

Thanks for your advice.

what do you want from software? and if you really think there is software which will beat the traders then i think someone told you a lie. the best advice i can give you is to learn the art of trading by making mistakes, doing losts of research, applying logic. I would rather spend the money on a trade than on software. anyway its up to you but i thought id give my opnion. im sure others will disagree, but ive never used any more software than the info which is availble free with any trading platform. Good luck 🙂