Brexit’s here — and the rally in British assets has fizzled out
London was the trigger for the Great Depression in 1929.
It will once again start the DEPRESSION - any time now
Prepare for bank runs. Get the bulk out now, leave just enough to cover ATM card transactions. Remember by the new Law your money belongs to them, they don't need your permission to bail themselves out
Advice and suggestions:
SELL everything youhave in the UK, all real estate all stocks bonds and stamps and coin collection. CASH it all out and bugger off to Spain or Goa or LOS. Just get out of UK. Its going to get mean and ugly. The country is a dump and is going to get a whole lot dumpier. Youwill get trampled by the HERD as they rush for the exits together. Be smar - do it now before the stampede begins.
Look for a job elsewhere and cut down on your expenses and live frugally. Yes you can do it.
You cats have no idea of the tsunami that's coming. Just like the fellas on the Patong beach who saw the receding waters show miles more of beach and thought it was a new ERA. All killed on the 1st and 2nd wave.
London FTSE 100 daily:
To be evaluated down the road apiece. We are in a 3rd wave? A 1-2 of a 3rd with the 3rd of 3rd just about getting ready to fire? Yikes! Hope I'm wrong.
If/when that trendline breaks and Footsie crashes, expect the complaints to moderators here to skyrocket for instant expulsion without reprieve. Trouble just follows a man. 🙂
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Help them Father. Help me too. If I am wrong they are going to climb all over me and give me all kinds of static. 🙂 🙂 🙂 Some will say, "I told you he is a bum!" All critics welcome. This is probably the best shot you are going to ever get to nail Fibo.
Why? Because this Call is so huuuuuuuuge, so preposterous, so full of sh*t, so unreal, that it is virtually impossible for it to happen as called. The odds are even worse than the Lottery. That's the kind of play that Fibo loves, staggering odds. Getting a kick in the ass is an occupational hazard.
Bring it on, babes.
McQueen must be licking his chops 😗😗😗😗😗
These boys below are getting their weaponry ready to blast Fibo. they will never ever get a better chance. The neck of fibo is totally exposed and there is no armor.
Violet (counter-violent), malaguti, barjon, tomorten, timsk, Signalcalc, batsonar, Rufus_Leakey, postman, Atilla, Nowler, Dentalfloss, Pat494, new_trader, Dowser, postman
Remember amigos that if this is all correct I have set up SHORTS on SPY and will add more if we get underway. Not shorting London. I will also have a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Short on the SET50 futures in Land of smiles - all proceeds go to others for their future.
Rambo McQueen,
Let's have a good look at what nobody in your T2W army is even aware of as they all sing, "go London FTSE go, make hew highs, go go go, we are going Long forever" this is how dumb sobs get slaughtered, Rambo. Its been happening since antediluvian times.
Look at your backyard, Rambo McQueen ..............
Europe Stoxx 50
Europe Stoxx 600
Europe Banks ( without Banks do you really think you're gong anywhere, Rambo?)