FTSE 100 Macd & RSI trendlines broken suggest the breakdown is close. But this is monthly so its got to filter down to daily
Fasten seatbelts
Fasten seatbelts
Behold the beauty of the FTSE 100. Extrapolating the first wave gives me a total nice hit at the 1968 & 1972 bullmarket top in one shot. Think about this for a minute. Cats like Warren buffet and Bill Gates are basically just blind buy and holders, they go thru' gobs and gobs of drawdowns. Look at Fibo. He could just buy and hold to the 1972 top by using TECH and get out smeling like a rose - beating buffet with eyes closed and by 60% additional return becasue Buffet loses 1/3 of the trend each place, top and bottom becase henever knows how to time his entry or exit.
The see how FIBO would have nailed the BEAR market correction low - why? exactly on 61.8% ROFLMAO
FIBO gots Fottsie's #
FIBO flogs 'em all.
View attachment 268811
Hahahahahaha, my charts have captured Siggy's heart.
I'm tired, off to bed.
Hasta la vista 🙂
Only a true bot would claim he is not a bot ...Only a bot pretending not to be a bot can have pretend feelings, except when the concept of a trading bot based on fibonacci cannot post fib levels does this bot's chips get overheated, ...
Bots never sleep, there is no such think as a bed for you, are you in for an oil service or something?
Lord, pls continue to send them in to challenge me.
we find no evidence that Fibonacci ratios are significant in the market.
Here are some articles from a well-known trader.
Fibonacci Fibs • The Blog of Adam H Grimes
A look at the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence, and why they might not matter as much as you've been told...adamhgrimes.com
Fibonacci: Thinking Deeper • The Blog of Adam H Grimes
Thinking about how to build a test for Fibonacci ratios in market data.adamhgrimes.com
Testing Fibonaccis (1/2) • The Blog of Adam H Grimes
Warning: this blog post is not appropriate for all readers. You may find it challenging or disturbing, especially if you are not open to questioning some long-held beliefs. Reader discretion is advised. Now that we have the (obviously joking) disclaimer out of the way, I want to continue looking...adamhgrimes.com
Fibonacci Conclusions (2/2) • The Blog of Adam H Grimes
[dc]T[/dc]oday I want to continue from last week’s post on Fibonacci ratios, and wrap up with a few thoughts and conclusions. That post was very heavy on data and charts, but the conclusion is pretty simple: at least in this sample of market data, using this particularly specification for...adamhgrimes.com