Top Call of British Empire's multi-century UP TREND:: a break of 6,500 confirms epic reversal

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Soon the entire neighborhood sees the Joy-mans and the Brits nail some chicks and they join in . The Dow Jones in particular is no slouch - HE saw the London Footsie put a chick in a chokehold after the coffee surge of the Golden ratio's 161.8% level catapult, so he, not to be outdone put his chick over the slot machine and did her right there but has to empty the sacs fast because the 61.8% (olive dashed resistance line aka Olivia is fast approaching as HE races north after the Gurkha regiments saved his ass and slingshotted him.

Can HE get past the 61.8% and keep going? Hey, its election day and anything is possible

Smoke the Seegar and enjoy because every 1/7th centimeter counts for Donald on Election Day.

Keep going Chief. Try to take out the top. 🙂

Soon the entire neighborhood sees the Joy-mans and the Brits nail some chicks and they join in . The Dow Jones in particular is no slouch - HE saw the London Footsie put a chick in a chokehold after the coffee surge of the Golden ratio's 161.8% level catapult, so he, not to be outdone put his chick over the slot machine and did her right there but has to empty the sacs fast because the 61.8% (olive dashed resistance line aka Olivia is fast approaching as HE races north after the Gurkha regiments saved his ass and slingshotted him.

Can HE get past the 61.8% and keep going? Hey, its election day and anything is possible

Smoke the Seegar and enjoy because every 1/7th centimeter counts for Donald on Election Day.

Keep going Chief. Try to take out the top. 🙂

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Dow Jones was heard whispering to the Nasdaq, "look at that dumb son of a gun, GOLD, she don't even know what the meaning of safe haven is - she is supposed to go up when we go down and down when we go up but she keeps fckin up. The only reliable safe haven it appears might be that so-called worthless bum, the US Dollar. Say what? Paper is more valuable than Gold? Yeah, baby, in this environment it sure as heck is but nobody is found-ing this out yet.

A big round of applause for the only one in UK who is not politicalllllly correct. But of course the UK has forgotten its old days when she fired bullets into unarmed crowds and killing 50 million people worldwide - innocent people - but now they call this nice girl a "London's biggest bitch" .................. what a bunch of losers, always banning the wrong people and protecting the wimps!!! 🙂

Anybody who messes with Katie, messes with Fibo. There will be a whole lotta consequences. Why? Because the 8 billion people of the world are descending into Political Correctness at breakneck speed. Katie is one of the few remaining still standing with her own individuality and she follows Fibo's Law to a T:

BE who you are, say what you fell because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

This type of girl belongs in the US which as she has correctly noted has not yet succumbed totally to Political Correctness although its well on its way to getting there fast.

Soon only Katie and Fibo and Donald will be left standing. The morons are closing in.
Anybody who messes with Katie, messes with Fibo. There will be a whole lotta consequences. Why? Because the 8 billion people of the world are descending into Political Correctness at breakneck speed. Katie is one of the few remaining still standing with her own individuality and she follows Fibo's Law to a T:

BE who you are, say what you fell because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.

This type of girl belongs in the US which as she has correctly noted has not yet succumbed totally to Political Correctness although its well on its way to getting there fast.

Soon only Katie and Fibo and Donald will be left standing. The morons are closing in.

That should read .............

BE who you are, say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
Katie is fulfilling my personal wish of nailing to the cross all the dry c***s of CNN 🙂🤣

Soon the entire neighborhood sees the Joy-mans and the Brits nail some chicks and they join in . The Dow Jones in particular is no slouch - HE saw the London Footsie put a chick in a chokehold after the coffee surge of the Golden ratio's 161.8% level catapult, so he, not to be outdone put his chick over the slot machine and did her right there but has to empty the sacs fast because the 61.8% (olive dashed resistance line aka Olivia is fast approaching as HE races north after the Gurkha regiments saved his ass and slingshotted him.

Can HE get past the 61.8% and keep going? Hey, its election day and anything is possible

Smoke the Seegar and enjoy because every 1/7th centimeter counts for Donald on Election Day.

Keep going Chief. Try to take out the top. 🙂

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Hahahahahaha, Dow Jones is doing its job rallying after Fibo's encouragement to keep going and going and going north, but it ain't helping donald. Instead it helped Joe. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

What a fckup!!! That's what I call a kick in the ass!! Fibo's ass, that is. 🤣🤣

hehehehe, London FTSE 100 following Fibo's Law after breaking a neckline will most likely return to the scene of the crime for a last kiss and booty call before bolting from marriage offers with a clean getaway. Let's see if it works this time.

Don't forget to notice the dashed light olive color level where Footsie started to bounce and notice that its the 161.8% support level aka the Golden Ratio. Bounce bounce bounce baby. They say it has considerable elasticity? They do. Who? Nature says so and I believe her.

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Bloody Hell! Footsie did follow Fibo's thought-ing to return to the scene of the crime (the neckline) for one last kiss and booty call but then did not reverse and bolt south in a clean getaway as expected. hahahhahahahahah, instead she pulled a Prince Harry and married the greedy, spoiled, gold-digger b**ch. What a fckup! 🤣🤣

London Footsie .............. same chart as before but with some additions. London has arrived at the 1st of 2 trendlines and also the 38.2% retracement of the drop from the subtop. Can it go all the way to 61.8%? Sure it can? Grid is shown in white.



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Fibo is very happy to see the North Korean T2W member named ssam visit 🙂 Let's just hope it was worth it for him when he put up his rich lands as collateral to bail me out of jail on the first ban by Trader333. I know he got his wealth back and am glad he did not repeat the process as I've been banned 8 more times since then. 🙂🙂🙂

Is he still doing waves or has he found something different or better? The road don't matter, its the green stuff that matters

Has he come alone or with his group, The Pharaohs?

When Sam comes back - if he comes back - I have something for him regarding the Joy-mans. I'm not in a particularly hi-flyin streak right now (I must be in a personal correction) but want to alert Sam to some possibility w.r.t. the German DAX
see next
the magnificente 38.2% Fibo level. The Joy-mans made a perfect touchdown see below

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see this one first with particular attention paid to the 38.2% Fibo. It worked. But there could be a whole lot of big big big bucks to be made if my current stroke of genius/retard is correct ..................... see train of thought
Follow-up on the Joy-mans. See chart in quote first. Focus eye on the 38.2% Fibo level. Its still holding up nicely. If it "fires" = "ignites" it can generate a slingshot northbound (redundant) ............. but if it runs out of latent power and the juice is exhausted, then the support will fail. Now I could go into the lower timeframes to gauge exactly where that support is going to fire or fail, but fck that, Life is too damn good to go for nitty gritty theetie weetie pansy ass nickel and dimes 🙂🙂

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read again
For Sam ........................ the Joy-mans are here now, gone past the 23.6% Fibo and the 1st of the 2 purple resistances, at the 2nd resistance now.

So wtf is my money making big time strategy for anybody who might be considering shorting the Dax straight thru' for a 2-yr Sell & Hold?

See the top, Sam? Count the waves and they are clearly 5 waves down. Therefore the rally is a Wave 2. When it completes, the Dax will go into Wave 3 down. You know what that means. It means the fastest, juiciest return on investment EVER.
How much higher will the Dax continue now to rally? Why of course to the 38.2% -61.8% or at most 78.6% Fibo levels

For Sam,

Block it all out and just focus on the white Fibo grid as DAX approaches the 61.8% Fibo level. The reversal could fire here bigtime. But given how tricky all of this has been, it could go to the 78.6%. Now here's the final warning/alert .................. if Fibo is totally wrong and instead DAX takes out the top, then we go back to the drawing boards and the suspected expected trade has failed by not materializing.

Play carefully on real time close to your chest, let the market prove to you first that we really do have a short before you commit your savings. Ultra caution now as we are n the bend n the trend wherein shenanigans are the bread of the day. There's zillons to be made for the patient one

Goodluck! 🙂 Fibo been in your corner from day #1. Seeing you with millions would make me a happy camper

For Sam,

Thanks buddy, got the PM. I was shocked that I could read it due to the fact that ALL my communication channels at T2W are BLOCKED! I am not allowed to talk to anybody or post in anyone's thread. I see the exact same "insufficient privileges to post in this thread"

They've put me on Devil's Island, Sam, just like they did with Papillon 🤣🤣🤣

Here's why you are seeing insufficient privileges to post in my Journal threads. Hey, its actually worse. I have to ask for permission to open my own threads as they are all locked. Trader333 ignored my numerous requests. Instead he allowed numerous viruses that would give Corona a run for its money, into my threads, wasting my time due to their high degree of Ignorance, Retardation but worst of all, PRIDE in Ignorance. But then there's Sharky. Sharky opened these for me. Sharky got rid of all these viruses by blocking them to my threads.

see next

Remember the talks we used to have on SENTIMENT?

Here's a benefit of those talks that will help you make money at top/bottoms - this particular one is a b*tch as you already know but when it rolls over you can come back and view the following in hindsight

At major tops/bottoms in the Dow Jones/SPX/FTSE100 .................. read the posts for that time period of the following deadbeats and then do the exact opposite - if they are dedicated LONG, be ready to go Short)

Mr. Charts
and everyone in this thread (

Bottomline for you Sam: T2W is a goldmine for you if you do not follow anybody and instead lean towards the opposite
For Sam,

No replies necessary, Sam. They will hound you here for even talking to me. Its not allowed except to disrupt and cause chaos.

Go thru' the BEAR market thread and look for the posts by


Then ask yourself this: rules apply only to Americans and not Brits? Had it been me the # bans would exceed 1,000 just for harassment alone. But Brits are allowed, American are not.

Do the general opposite of Postman and you'll make a fortune. Trade small but often.

In the meantime go to the EWI website and see the 80/20 trade concept ..................... learn it well

Katie Hopkins is a downright refreshing after these deadbeat tight asses here at T2W. Americans are anything but tight like these pricks here

Happy birthday, Sam 🙂

You're right, your age now is at the starting gate to knock down the wealth and retire early.

Nothing would please me more than to see you there. I remember all the heavy driving trips you were doing London to Paris for work. soon you'll be able to cut the slices of bread as big as a door if want to. You won't have to drive long distances no more and your retirement goals will happen clear as your wishes.

With TA just remember this: whatever you do NOT feel comfortable with, discard it right away. You must feel at home and powerful with the method you select. Waves, RSI, Trendlines, Patterns, Trends etc., etc., whatever. Whatever you choose must sit right with you deeeep undercover.

Keep a 21-ema on your charts for the next 30 days and see if it reduces stress by 85%