Hello everyone. 🙂
I'm just wondering how many of you are using margin and how often? I've never used it yet, but a friend of mine says, that he uses it as much as he can. His reasoning is, that the market's long term profits are at around 10%, and while the cost of borrowing money (margin) stays below 10%, he makes use of it.
Anyway, if Firstrade's margin rate is 9% (for accounts below $50.000) - does that mean, that if I borrow money from them, I'll pay 9% interest on that money per year? Or is this calculated somehow differently? I don't plan to use margin, but I'm curious. 🙂
Any help is welcomed. Thanks.
I'm just wondering how many of you are using margin and how often? I've never used it yet, but a friend of mine says, that he uses it as much as he can. His reasoning is, that the market's long term profits are at around 10%, and while the cost of borrowing money (margin) stays below 10%, he makes use of it.
Anyway, if Firstrade's margin rate is 9% (for accounts below $50.000) - does that mean, that if I borrow money from them, I'll pay 9% interest on that money per year? Or is this calculated somehow differently? I don't plan to use margin, but I'm curious. 🙂
Any help is welcomed. Thanks.