To re-invigorate UK business

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pat494
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A good thing of capitalism is competition.
Unfortunatelly when a company gets too big competition is killed.
This is the reason governments created antitrust laws.

BTW Amazon is a problem everywhere not only in UK ... 😁
trees take decades to grow to the point climate is affected, and its not just about planting trees, it needs to be a a variety of trees. A rainforest can have 700 different species of tree and I doubt countries like China are doing that, they are likely just planting trees they want to harvest again. David Attenborough'Netflix "a life on our planet" really shows the extent of damage humans have done. Yes people have been saying this for decades but that doesn't mean its not happening. in his lifetime the population went from under 2 billion to nearly 8. In his lifetime he has witnessed forests go from 60 percent to 31 percent.

only an ignorant person believes things can continue without consequence. In the next 300 years our population will result in the next mass extinction. forests will be largely gone, diversity in wildlife obliterated, bees will be gone and mass starvation and war inevitable.

the earth is barely supporting 7.5 billion people, how can it possibly support 10+ billion.

moving onto our oceans. Scientists estimate by 2048 there will be so few fish left that fishing boats won't be able to fish. 70 percent of our oxygen comes from oceans. destroying the oceans ecosystems means disaster for the world.

scientists drilled 3 million years ice cores from Antarctica. They found it has melted and frozen 60 times in that period. While this shows a luch longer earth cycle, mankind have accelerated it by thousands of years. The oceans around the world rose by 23 feet when it happened and this will displace all civilization at coastal regions.

so to sum it up, we don't have hundreds of years. If left unchecked, in 300 years time the 6th mass extinction will be well underway.
I think we are on the same side of the debate as far as lowering the Earth’s population goes. If you have read my post earlier in this thread (post #45) I’ve called for a world population level of 1.5 to 2 billion maximum.. If that doesn’t help the environment (along with future technologies) we can lower Earth’s population to one billion or even less.

Unless you plan on bringing back mass killings like Rwanda in 1994 (along with history’s other holocausts) we have to lower our population in a humane manner. Never once have you mentioned a possible solution for lowering the human population. Let’s hear your plan.
There was a programme a few days ago interviewing a man who used to work in a shipyard on the Clyde. In his day the river bank had many shipyards busy all day making ships but today there is only 1 left. The locals, yard owners and politicians have failed in their obligations to keep the industry alive and attractive to youthful employment. Shame on them.
I think we are on the same side of the debate as far as lowering the Earth’s population goes. If you have read my post earlier in this thread (post #45) I’ve called for a world population level of 1.5 to 2 billion maximum.. If that doesn’t help the environment (along with future technologies) we can lower Earth’s population to one billion or even less.

Unless you plan on bringing back mass killings like Rwanda in 1994 (along with history’s other holocausts) we have to lower our population in a humane manner. Never once have you mentioned a possible solution for lowering the human population. Let’s hear your plan.
you seem hell bent on lowering the population. The only way to lower it is a draconian limitation on birth rates and huge fines for those breaking it.
you seem hell bent on lowering the population. The only way to lower it is a draconian limitation on birth rates and huge fines for those breaking it.
Education has to come first. The majority of people in this world don’t even know there is an overpopulation problem. Among those who do know, they either think nothing practical can be done while the rest don’t want to give up their so called rights.

The problem comes from governments themselves. My area’s congressman (long since retired) was a member of Zero Population Growth (now called Population Connection) but never gave a speech on Capitol Hill about population. He was more concerned with looking politically correct than shaking up the public’s beliefs. In other words, he sold out the environment for political expediency.

Fines are something I haven’t thought of but the rich and upper middle class could just pay them while the working poor would be knocked into bankruptcy. Those on welfare could care less unless you plan on taking away their means to support their children which they already can’t afford.

As long as the public remains uneducated or in disbelief, no method would be considered until it gains approval among a wider audience. The only two nations that I am aware of who have done anything about it have been China and Iran. The last I heard, Iran was changing its tune and was backing away from slowing its population growth so China may be alone again.
A good thing of capitalism is competition.
Unfortunatelly when a company gets too big competition is killed.
This is the reason governments created antitrust laws.

BTW Amazon is a problem everywhere not only in UK ... 😁

This is what Government wants you to believe, but it's incorrect.
I have a good idea of how to re-invigorate UK business. Now that the UK will be out of the transition period with the EU by 1st Jan 2021, then how about ditching those horrible EU ESMA regulation that limit retail traders to 30:1 leverage on Majors, 20:1 in some cases.
These regs caused the flight of many traders to ASIC , FINMA and FMA Brokers losing a lot of business for London.
Even worse, these regulations caused many new traders to go to less regulated brokers or bucket shops in dubious jurisdictions around the world , thus completely defeating the publicized object of protecting inexperienced new traders.

Perhaps the UK could introduce a competency test to replace the ESMA regs, much the same as the ASIC has or just ditch the whole thing and go back to the way it was before.
I have a good idea of how to re-invigorate UK business. Now that the UK will be out of the transition period with the EU by 1st Jan 2021, then how about ditching those horrible EU ESMA regulation that limit retail traders to 30:1 leverage on Majors, 20:1 in some cases.
These regs caused the flight of many traders to ASIC , FINMA and FMA Brokers losing a lot of business for London.
Even worse, these regulations caused many new traders to go to less regulated brokers or bucket shops in dubious jurisdictions around the world , thus completely defeating the publicized object of protecting inexperienced new traders.

Perhaps the UK could introduce a competency test to replace the ESMA regs, much the same as the ASIC has or just ditch the whole thing and go back to the way it was before.
and how is that going to reinvigorate unrelated businesses?
To re-invigorate UK business: Abolish The National Minimum Wage

I submit this video in support of my argument, courtesy of the only economic school that actually understands economics.

I prefer " The Pirate Ship " system where all the employees get the same wage except the Captain, who gets double. That is AFTER the company expenses etc. are paid. The health of the company is put first not last. Also the greedy bosses are stopped from sucking all the wealth out of the company and then flogging it off for even more personal profit.
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To re-invigorate UK business: Abolish The National Minimum Wage

I submit this video in support of my argument, courtesy of the only economic school that actually understands economics.

This will reinvigorate business profit margins driving stock prices up. That's where it ends though because on the other side of the coin are workers expected to live off a wage they can't. So the consequences of abolishing the national minimum wage is poverty, or another way to put it is a more unequal society. It is in the interest of everyone to have people earning enough to live off. Remove this and criminal activity goes up, child poverty goes up, and the economy doesn't benefit from this. You only need to look at Scandinavia countries where taxes are high and minimum wages high. Go visit those counties and see how it is then you will see what you are saying only favours the wealthy and won't carry through to the economy.
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and how is that going to reinvigorate unrelated businesses?
Unrelated to the financial sector?
Financials were not excluded in pat494 original post.
What was mentioned were the "ultra big conglomerates like Amazon." Well even a big broker like IG Index has only 1500 staff against Amazon's 30k in the UK and 840k worldwide. So, most of these brokers fit into the medium sized enterprize, and sometimes small enterprize bracket. Then there are all the support businesses like lawyers and accountants, catering, small shops providing lunch for staff etc.
My input was just one idea to re-invigorate UK business - I don't claim it will reinvigorate unrelated businesses, although I am sure that Adam Smiths invisible hand will be slapping around should the formentioned regulation be reversed.
This will reinvigorate business profit margins driving stock prices up. That's where it ends though because on the other side of the coin are workers expected to live off a wage they can't. So the consequences of abolishing the national minimum wage is poverty, or another way to put it is a more unequal society. It is in the interest of everyone to have people earning enough to live off. Remove this and criminal activity goes up, child poverty goes up, and the economy doesn't benefit from this. You only need to look at Scandinavia countries where taxes are high and minimum wages high. Go visit those counties and see how it is then you will see what you are saying only favours the wealthy and won't carry through to the economy.

I don't think you watched the video.

  • Wages are the price of labour and like any market it is the economic law of supply and demand that determines the price.
  • When a government artificially raises the price of labour through minimum wage laws the natural consequence is it reduces demand for that labour. i.e. The few who keep their job benefit from the higher wage, but the unseen consequence is that many will lose their job or never get hired in the first place. Surely a low paying job is better than no job?
  • Industries increasingly employ automation to replace the low skilled jobs that the minimum wage has made too expensive.
Surely it is the prime function of Govt. to protect the welfare of their citizens.
So whether it is attack from abroad or suffering at home then they should act accordingly.
The minimum wage is exploiting poor people and is a new type of slavery and practised by the same elites.
Making fortunes for themselves while others suffer.
Surely it is the prime function of Govt. to protect the welfare of their citizens.
So whether it is attack from abroad or suffering at home then they should act accordingly.
The minimum wage is exploiting poor people and is a new type of slavery and practised by the same elites.
Making fortunes for themselves while others suffer.

Government cannot repeal economic laws no matter how distasteful you find them. You hate the idea of automation, you hate the idea of abolishing the minimum wage, you think "do-gooding" eventually drives a country down to third world status yet you think the Government's prime function is "do-gooding"...
I don't think you watched the video.

  • Wages are the price of labour and like any market it is the economic law of supply and demand that determines the price.
  • When a government artificially raises the price of labour through minimum wage laws the natural consequence is it reduces demand for that labour. i.e. The few who keep their job benefit from the higher wage, but the unseen consequence is that many will lose their job or never get hired in the first place. Surely a low paying job is better than no job?
  • Industries increasingly employ automation to replace the low skilled jobs that the minimum wage has made too expensive.
I watched to the point of them stating wages being set by the value of a product and the contribution made. Not only is it flawed because the ceo does jack 5hit contribution towards the end product and he\she sure as hell isn't being compensated proportionally with effort in producing the end product.

The minimum wage is there to protect the most vulnerable people. We are not some 3rd world 5hithole or a draconian Chinese state where Labour is a very cheap commodity. We all enjoy the freedoms it brings through reduced crime and corruption, as well as being mature enough to see that paying someone below a basic survival rate is wrong. What you also don't realise it would ultimately increase welfare and therefore taxes.

Uganda has the lowest wages int he world, there is no min wage there and in 2017 it was $22 a year. I bet that's what you'd pay your employees on the lower end if you could.

but let's look at the evidence and take USA as an example. They experienced the highest employment in a generation before the virus. The min wage ranges (diff by state) had no impact on it so what you are saying is rubbish. Demand for labour is proportional to the demand In the economy. Demand for products and services leads to business investment, part of which is labour. in other words the labour market is defined by the economic cycles but more recently includes technology.

now let's take the Ugandan company paying individuals less than 2 dollars a day. All that's happening there is the owners are waking away rich while the people doing the graft barely survive. The city at night is a no go area because you will be a victim of crime. So people are afraid to go out at night and they are also affraid of traveling because of hijackings. Is that the type of economy you want? In South Africa there is no minimum wage and still the country sits with over 30 percent unemployment. Do you want to know the effects of masses of people living on less than a minimum wage.

The answer is crime and corruption. People there have to have security gates on their bedroom doors (the ones who can afford it). homes are like mini prison camps with bars over windows, security fencing and rapid armed response alarms. this is what no minimum wage brings. People living in shacks because they haven't a hope in the world of affording rent even in a 5hithole.

that's your utopian dream isn't it?
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I prefer " The Pirate Ship " system where all the employees get the same wage except the Captain, who gets double. That is AFTER the company expenses etc. are paid. The health of the company is put first not last. Also the greedy bosses are stopped from sucking all the wealth out of the company and then flogging it off for even more personal profit.
It is unfair to pay the good workers the same amount of salary as other workers who don’t put in as much effort. You seem to be under the belief that everyone’s labor is equally valuable.

What about effort equality? Not everyone works as hard or as smart. Some workers are happy to put in overtime while others ditch the workplace at quitting time. Then there is the experience issue. A six month employee should not earn the same salary as a highly seasoned employee who’s been at his company ten years or more.

Also there is a level of competency issue. Some workers don’t have the full skill sets or natural talent as the best workers in a given industry and don’t do as good a job.