To good to be true! 2% per day.

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Quote: The times
"More commonly, despite required disclosure statements that warn investors: "Your dealer is your trading partner, which is a direct conflict of interest."

Gain ended up making an average of $2,913 from every active trader it had last year, even though the average customer account contained only $3,000, according to the company's financial data. " End quote

3.98 trillion turnover in spot trades per day.

I have lost more money in trading one day than what I have invested with this folks. So like I say this it is no big deal. How many of you can say I have never wiped out a trading account.

Frankly yes I agree with you all it is too good to be true. This is one small chance I have choosen to take to find out for myself and believe me I will find out one way or the other.
I did my homework on this and up to now there is nothing on the net that I could find which spoke negitive about the program. The owner started this program off in 2004 and since 2010 it introduced the 2% per day which has literally taken off. This guy is not a fly by night!
He does however have the most crappy internet website, (a mess) and any trouble the members maybe experiencing are being addressed on weekly telephone interviews with the owner.
To be quite honest after listening to him 2nd Aug (he must be getting on in age) I have built a sympathy to the guy. He seems as geniune as they get (that is only my honest option)

But in saying all that he will disappear of the face of the earth one day. As we all will. That is our final destiny.
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Whatever amount you trade with dont expect to make more than 8-10% per annum, anyone that says they can return more than this would be doing it with their own money and not asking you to do it.

Chances are that if your account shows gains that are much greater than this you will never see that money because it doesn't exist. You might also never see your deposit again either!

The money doesn't exsit anyway. If everyone wanted to take money out at once the bank would close doors.
Credit from banks is also not backed by real money or gold eg. A bank only needs to have $1000 in deposits to give out a loan of $10,000 FACT
The dept ceiling is rising and it is all backed by thin air.

This program is based on the same principal as a bank. It invests the deposits so the cash is not there to give out all at once. What may seem harsh is the method used to make it inevitably sustainable. In short lets say - it's like taking from the rich to give to the poor - startup members. A special formular is used to calulate what happens across the board. What ever, everyone still earns money and seems to be very happy and grateful. I can not speak at only 21 days into the program. I only have seen it from one other and the rest is hear say.
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"This program is based on the same principal as a bank"
So the govt backs the deposits, huh? And there are plenty of regulations to protect the "saver, huh?
"it's like taking from the rich to give to the poor "

as the thief said in court.......
Honestly, cu2, you sound as if your need to believe has taken over from rational thought and judgment.
You seem a genuine sort of person and you really don't deserve to be Madoff-ed.
And don't be taken in by the "magic" of compounding at 2% a day. In the real world it doesn't work like that whatever the size of the market; increasing size distorts a market at some point.
Honestly, cu2, you sound as if your need to believe has taken over from rational thought and judgment.
You seem a genuine sort of person and you really don't deserve to be Madoff-ed.
And don't be taken in by the "magic" of compounding at 2% a day. In the real world it doesn't work like that whatever the size of the market; increasing size distorts a market at some point.

Lulz Killer 👎

"This program is based on the same principal as a bank"
So the govt backs the deposits, huh? And there are plenty of regulations to protect the "saver, huh?

Do they protect all deposits in England? Gee Germany doesnt I am not sure about Australia either. In general I see what you are wanting to say. I agree on that 100% I do believe I have said 2 times now my risk is 100%
Honestly, cu2, you sound as if your need to believe has taken over from rational thought and judgment.

Do you really think so. Did you not read my last sentence?
That this is all hear say! I am just relaying what I understand from the program. Sorry if that offends you.

You seem a genuine sort of person and you really don't deserve to be Madoff-ed.
And don't be taken in by the "magic" of compounding at 2% a day. In the real world it doesn't work like that whatever the size of the market; increasing size distorts a market at some point.

Thanks Mr charts, I am glad you see that I am a genuine person. I have a high regard for everyones opinion and my priotiy is to always treat everyone with respect.
I understand very well where your coming from. "Increasing size distorts a market at some point." Yes this program has been Predicted for 2017 where that came from I'II never know. I want proof just saying it does not make it rational or true either way.

As far as "taking from the rich to give to the poor" it was just my way of explaining how the sustainablity works without going into details. Ok like the tax system. Perhaps you can relate to that better. Please don't take me literally.
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Hi, everyone I have just looked into my account.

PLAN A. Now if it's still alive! Round the 15th Oct. I will stop buying positions. I should be earning round $50 per day according to calulations. As soon as possible and practical there after I will attempt to do my first withdrawals to recover initial investment.


Am I sweating or is it hot in here?
So crossing my fingers. Ok ok crossing fingers very hard thanks!.

I will just hate making you guy jellous if this thing does work. 😆 Highly unlikely though. Nevertheless I still have 1% hope on my side.

Signing out till then or before if the usual or unusual happens. I may or may not choose to answer posts before then.
Here's a live one, 2% per day. Live members review.

LAST POST 11th Aug.

Hi, everyone I have just looked into my account.

PLAN A. Now if it's still alive! Round the 15th Oct. I will stop buying positions. I should be earning round $50 per day according to calulations. As soon as possible and practical there after I will attempt to do my first withdrawals to recover initial investment.


Am I sweating or is it hot in here?
So crossing my fingers. Ok ok crossing fingers very hard thanks!.

Signing out till then or before if the usual or unusual happens.

So much has happened since my last report.

All was running smoothly as promised.
If you recall I mentioned that the owner inventer sounded very old and I was more concerned that the might - well you can imagine. 🙁

He is 86 years old and drops the bombshell on members - I will be retiring. 😱

With that the business has been taken over. Payments have stopped and they keep on appologising and thanking us for our patience.

I can see my over all account in the newly built website, but no links are working.

Update announcements are coming in last weeks was, we are working as fast as we can 24/7 to have everything up and running by next week.

The lastest announcement 30th Aug. Look at the countdown timer 5 days to go.

Of cause this gives us much room for secpulation. But at this stage the only thing we can do is just wait. :whistling
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Be quiet, cynics! There are still 5 days to go, I'm sure it will all be resolved. Then teh profits will come rolling out!
I am starting a pay 3% a day programme and taking on subscribers. PM me your details please. I need your annual income and bank savings amount to assess your suitability for this once in a life time offer. Don't miss out.
I am starting a pay 3% a day programme and taking on subscribers. PM me your details please. I need your annual income and bank savings amount to assess your suitability for this once in a life time offer. Don't miss out.

Yes please. I appear to be exactly the type of gullible idiot you require, so I'd like to sign up for two subscriptions. OK, make that three.
Hi guys this is STUPID IDIOT reporting back to you. I would of loved to report back with something positive but I can't.

For those who maybe interested on the latest live update. As for the timer BS. Now it's in BETA stage of programing This program is not over yet. But earnings are at a stand still since the new take over with no idea when or if they will ever comence again. Bit by bit things are being reactivated on the new website but it is taking time. New updates keep us hoping whilst they apoligise and ask for our patients.
This is a presumption - They are waiting for new money to come into to program, fat chance if they aren't paying out.

The people joining in this thread are just so clever and experts on the subject as you can see by the answers which are unfortunatly not very intelligently explained with only sarcasm and I find BULLYING. In saying bullying I mean it is quite clear that you would be A STUPID IDIOT to do something like this and YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER even if you had never known about such programs you should, no excuse no mistakes and no second chances right! Which is how it comes across to me. Nevertheless I can see you know everything about this type of con. THE MESSAGE IS LOUD AND CLEAR. THANKS. But it is too late I am in.

It would of been great if you would be brave enough to explain your live experiences. Which might of been valueable to STUPID IDIOTS like me who invest in these programs who infact come too late into the program even after gathering proof of those above who have been living off the earnings in the last year as was in my case.

Oh' well it is not as if I wasn't 100% aware of it, as I was and still am. But you have labeled me and anyone else as being a Stupid IDIOT who do such programs. I on the otherhand find it a valuable experience which I am able to do on a live scale and share with you.

This is a true live report firsthand of my experience. You have a choice to follow it or not. But please if you have to post then please at least keep it "respectful" if you are capable. Thanks.
Why must you insist on having your own live experience in order to find out what everyone has been telling you? Better to have saved your money.

Hi guys this is STUPID IDIOT reporting back to you. I would of loved to report back with something positive but I can't.

For those who maybe interested on the latest live update. As for the timer BS. Now it's in BETA stage of programing This program is not over yet. But earnings are at a stand still since the new take over with no idea when or if they will ever comence again. Bit by bit things are being reactivated on the new website but it is taking time. New updates keep us hoping whilst they apoligise and ask for our patients.
This is a presumption - They are waiting for new money to come into to program, fat chance if they aren't paying out.

The people joining in this thread are just so clever and experts on the subject as you can see by the answers which are unfortunatly not very intelligently explained with only sarcasm and I find BULLYING. In saying bullying I mean it is quite clear that you would be A STUPID IDIOT to do something like this and YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER even if you had never known about such programs you should, no excuse no mistakes and no second chances right! Which is how it comes across to me. Nevertheless I can see you know everything about this type of con. THE MESSAGE IS LOUD AND CLEAR. THANKS. But it is too late I am in.

It would of been great if you would be brave enough to explain your live experiences. Which might of been valueable to STUPID IDIOTS like me who invest in these programs who infact come too late into the program even after gathering proof of those above who have been living off the earnings in the last year as was in my case.

Oh' well it is not as if I wasn't 100% aware of it, as I was and still am. But you have labeled me and anyone else as being a Stupid IDIOT who do such programs. I on the otherhand find it a valuable experience which I am able to do on a live scale and share with you.

This is a true live report firsthand of my experience. You have a choice to follow it or not. But please if you have to post then please at least keep it "respectful" if you are capable. Thanks.

I don't think you're a "stupid idiot", shall we say just a person with too much faith in human nature. I don't think it's fair to criticize those of us who warned you for not giving you a detailed explanation; perhaps we all thought it was so obvious it was just common sense. No offence intended so please don't take any. We've all made what you might call "stupid idiot" mistakes, but we learn and move on and put the embarrassment behind us. You've had the guts to admit your mistakes, so
as I said, "You seem a genuine sort of person and you really don't deserve to be Madoff-ed".
And you did have the sense not to bet the farm !
I wish you well for the future.
Which might of been valueable to STUPID IDIOTS like me who invest in these programs who infact come too late into the program even after gathering proof of those above who have been living off the earnings in the last year as was in my case.

good luck with the next ponzi you invest in, and the next, and the next etc etc.