To All "Live Trade" Respondents:

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Well-known member
I did receive all of your emails – thank you.

There was a rather large number of them, so it will take me a while to send each on of you a membership form. There are just a few screening questions that everybody in the research group is asked. So, please bear with me as I only have two hands and a 24 hour clock to work with.

I will no longer be on this particular board at the request of several members here. However, it was never my intent to remain on this board either – so that works out just fine. I will not post the url to the research site on this forum as that would violate T2W’s rules, although some of you were industrious enough to find it on your own – unless you were tipped-off by one of my members who found me on this site!

Just know that I have not forgotten you, though it may take a while to process your email – everybody has to go through the same process. Please note that there are changes that are about to take place on the research site that is going to make certain people unhappy. This group is for research and that involves a two way street. Some have only participated in the gathering and accumulation of pips. I don’t blame them – that is what trading is all about. However, I need to also get my work done – so the two way street (profiles for feedback) needs to remain open. Think of it as a “foreign exchange” program (pun intended!). Some did not participate in the feedback sessions and so they were removed from the group. I think profiles for feedback is a very fair deal.

When I post these live trade profiles, I have to stick around for the better part of the day making periodic updates – it is like having a full-time job and it is tedious. You have not yet seen what a full Trade Profile looks like – the old ones were 10 – 12 lines long! So, it is not a game to me – I need the data. You will understand when you see the Profile Feedback Form.

I am doing some critically important work on the system right now, after coming back from a rather long time-off period due to illness from over-working. So, I am taking things rather slowly at this time. Therefore, you will not see a lot of activity in the group at this time – do not worry – I will be back to doing live profiles. Remember, there is only one person working on the research, development and engineering of this system. Please introduce yourself (if you like – you don’t have to) when you arrive. You will find traders of differing skill levels and experience – wanted that balance in the group.

You will also find everybody in the group to be rather courteous and polite. No one in this group will attack you and many in this group have been following the development of this trading technology for several years. You are strongly encouraged to use a “demo” account when following trade profiles. Most of all, you are strongly encouraged to have fun!

I can think of no better trader’s market other than the Forex. I’ve looked and data-dumped all of them into this system. None of them provide the inherent qualities that the Forex now offers. Will the dynamics of the Forex change? Yes.

I’m positive that over the next couple of years there will be more North American type Regulation to deal with, different broker’s and broker requirements and limitations, new tax laws that will impact individual U.S. based Forex traders, and new data patterns as more individual traders leave the traditional stock markets of the world and start trading the Forex on a daily basis and not just as a hedge or compensating balance against other weak areas within their overall portfolio. So, expect change in this business. But, also expect a market that is much more profitable than the North American stock markets could ever hope to be. Right now, there’s better place on earth to be in my opinion – if you are a serious trader – or if you have designs on becoming one.

I’ll see you later.


You are very welcome aboard, if you so choose. You have a way of putting things into their proper perspective. Thanks.
Thanks for the offer, send a link to me when you have the opportunity .


Your work looks fantastic.
Id like to join too.

Ive just sent you a PM.

MechanicalTrader said:

Your work looks fantastic.
Id like to join too.

Ive just sent you a PM.


Like lambs to the slaughter. Good luck in your search for the Holy Grail from the piped piper.


Thanks for asking. The answer is zero.

There is nothing for sale and there never was anything for sale.

The small group is for research purposes only. Please read some of my posts on the subject (starting with this one) – that will give you a better idea of what I’m doing at this time. Hope that helps a bit.

Thanks also to the others. 🙂


Likewise, like the highly misinformed and blind individual you are – you still don’t get it. And you still have not commented on the first Weekly Parameters & Test Trade post that was made that lead to a 266% net gain – and you never will – because you can’t.

It is like you have self-induced amnesia or self-induced short-term memory loss when the facts undermine your revisions of history. It was 266% net that you could have participated in, but because of your ego, you failed to do so.

So, please don’t blame the people who have eyes to see and ears to hear. People like you should spend some time in front of the mirror – you will find the source of all your spite, hate, jealously and ridicule staring back at you in vivid color.
schoe said:
Like lambs to the slaughter. Good luck in your search for the Holy Grail from the piped piper.

Why do you assume that everyone interested in this system is a lamb being lead to slaugther. There are many different types of people out there trading... some are natural at it and some aren't.. some are teachable and some aren't. Some start good and end up bad. Is it Richard Dennis that was the famous trader who made millions in just a couple years trading futures but lost his touch and no longer trades his own accounts? How many of the Traders interviewed the Market Wizards books are still doing well. I read recently that a couple of them are broke or nearly broke.

Some of us are just open to something that might be new or different or perhaps a new way of looking at old things. I'm personally open to anything anyone wishes to share about trading.

Why not keep some lambs from the slaughter and share your holy grail of trading with us....

It's beyond me why boards like this aren't truely discussions about trading rather than Bashing Boards.....


"Why not keep some lambs from the slaughter and share your holy grail of trading with us...."

That's because he would have to actually have something worthwhile to share. All he can do is ridicule that which he does not understand. It is fear simply stated another way – that’s all.

These guys are afraid of something and I know exactly what it is – but I’m not privy to say – so I won’t. I actually feel somewhat sorry for them – “now” that I understand where they are coming from and “how” they got to be that way. And, in a strange way – I don’t really blame them for being so fearful. Still, there is no excuse for some of their behavior – fear or not.

"It's beyond me why boards like this aren't truely discussions about trading rather than Bashing Boards....."

There’s good discussion going on (for now) under the To: D998 thread – you might want to check it out.

D998 has asked some very good questions over there. I had planned to not post on this board anymore. D998 posted his questions on the exact same day that I made that decision – so, I’m sticking around to answer his questions because they are relevant, on-topic and very germane to why I came here in the first place. If questions like these were asked initially, I would have been inclined to remain here.

D998 is obviously intelligent, well informed and most importantly a mature human being. He asks good questions in a mature way and it shows. He also has mature reading and comprehension skills and it shows. He also knows how to analyze information and it shows. He asks sincere questions because he wants to understand.

When I first began developing a trading solution, all I had were sincere, honest questions.
dwt1020 said:
Why do you assume that everyone interested in this system is a lamb being lead to slaugther. There are many different types of people out there trading... some are natural at it and some aren't.. some are teachable and some aren't. Some start good and end up bad. Is it Richard Dennis that was the famous trader who made millions in just a couple years trading futures but lost his touch and no longer trades his own accounts? How many of the Traders interviewed the Market Wizards books are still doing well. I read recently that a couple of them are broke or nearly broke.

Some of us are just open to something that might be new or different or perhaps a new way of looking at old things. I'm personally open to anything anyone wishes to share about trading.

Why not keep some lambs from the slaughter and share your holy grail of trading with us....

It's beyond me why boards like this aren't truely discussions about trading rather than Bashing Boards.....


I think you have missed my point DWT how can I share my Holy Grail with you when there isn't one. I know how to trade using price action with volume and this is all I need.

I am certainly open to new ideas as well but know that if somebody had invented a system with 98% accuracy which was a good as Tradevector said he wouldn't be talking about it on a bulletin board he would be trading it and making millions.

What evidence have we seen of these claims? One trade, now everybody wants to sign on the dotted line. thats fine all I am saying is I am skeptical.

There are hundreds of Banks and other institutions out there with the top graduates and brilliant minds all looking to gain an edge they have more computer power and funds than anybody on these boards and they haven't been able to come up with anything approaching a Grail so why should I believe somebody on these boards who makes such a claim and posts one trade as evidence.

Albert sorry I mean Tradevector has proved he is a master of the English language and is having some fun with everybody by claiming to have invented the Mother of all systems and he can smell the greed in a lot of people desperate to buy said method he is laughing at us all. he is so generous that he is going to share it with us all Christmas really has come early.

I don't wish to knock anybody but lets see the proof rather than all these fancy words.
“I don't wish to knock anybody but lets see the proof rather than all these fancy words.”

For the blind bats among us – the prosecutor asks the court that the following be submitted into evidence:

Exhibit “A”:

Posted: 14-12-2004, 07:19 PM

Weekly Params: EURUSD
Week of: 12/12/04

Long Swing Target: $1.3433
Short Swing Target: $1.3196
Swing Trade Signal: Long
Entry Point: 12/10/04 (early)
Entry Price: $1.3229 (late)
Pips Expected: 204
Pips So Far: 75

Exhibit “B”

Posted: 14-12-2004, 07:44 PM

“I am currently testing both the Swing Trade that I entered “early” on last Friday (because I knew where the system would be mostly pointing on this Monday) AND I am also conducting 56 trade ramp to $1 million from a $1,000 starting account balance.

On the 56 ramp, I have already completed 5 successful test trades back-to-back. I am now on ramp/test trade number 6. It started as a Day Trade yesterday and I entered at $1.3289. The entry was lousy and that is because I am test trading with elements that are not yet a fully integrated into the system – so my targets are a bit off.”

Exhibit “C”:

Posted: 14-12-2004, 08:25 PM

“Weekly Target: Update 1

System has just moved the Weekly price targets:

Weekly Long Target: $1.3436
Weekly Short Target: $1.3205

This is a slight shift "up" in the Price Structure which is good to see given the trade direction. This places the Meridian right at $1.3320. So, the price action is underperforming the expected Trajectory.”

Exhibit “D”:

Posted: 15-12-2004, 11:48 AM

“Weekly Parameters & Test Trade: Update 2

I needed 50 pips on this test trade in order to maintain the 56 trade schedule to $1+ million from a $1,000 starting account balance. This was trade number 6 of 56 and it scored: 198 pips thus far.

The Weekly Parameters originally called for 204 pips on the Long Swing trade. So, that puts the accumulation factor at 97.05% of pip target. The Weekly Long Target was originally placed at $1.3433, and then got bumped up to $1.3436. Today, the system has bumped the target to $1.3452. At this typing the close price is $1.3424. This system has self-adjusting targets, obviously.

The Revenue Model put this trade at $500 cost-basis and required a $250 return in order to remain on schedule to $1+ mil. The actual return on this trade is hovering near 266% (a $1,300+ return), which puts me well head of the schedule and give me lots of cushion down the line towards trade number 56.”

For every blind bat, there is always the “dark”.

If this had been an actual court case, your claim of “no show of proof” would have gotten thrown out by the judge. This is not a court of law however, so you can make up garbage claims all day long. However, it won’t change the facts that you conveniently ignore.

This trade superseded all expectations of a 50% net profit on 50 pips. It move the calendar of the Revenue Model from trade number 6 of 56 all the way to trade number 9 of 56 (which also closed for more than a 200% net gain). 56 trades at this pace will equal more than $1 million after trade number 56. I’ve had two (2) subsequent trades since then with both exceeding the Revenue Model minimums. I am now on trade number 16 of 56 due to the outstanding performance of this trading technology.

Do the math: On December 14th, 2004, I posted trade number 6 of 56. Today is December 17th, 2004, and I am now on trade number 16 of 56. That is called geometric growth and it can only happen if you have genuine accuracy in your trading. This leave 40 trades left. I started with a lousy $1,000.00 in a test account. The current running balance is now in excess of $6,580. (I had a few trade completed before I came to this board – so I started here exactly where my post says I started – on trade number 6). So, that is better than a 600% net gain.

I then very specifically told you that because of your irrational behavior and misguided personal attacks for no good reason, that there would be no more live profiles posted – there have been none since I made that statement. So, your proof sits right on top of your nose. And, if you could get your silly ego out of the way, you just might be able to see it.

You can submit “hate” posts all you want – but it only makes you look more “green” with envy every time you do. There is no excuse for being willfully blind.

The Prosecution rests its case and asks the court for an immediate summary judgment on the basis that the "defense" - in fact, has none.
I was away for a few days and can't follow any of this. There is just too much to wade through. I did try to look back at TV's trades but I can't make any sense of them. It looks like he has edited all of his post with trade levels on them. Most of them start 'Gone.', so I presume there is something missing.

Perhaps TV could post links to unedited posts of the above Exhibits? If not, I wont waste my time.
I agree with you BB, it’s almost impossible for peeps to follow the action (and lots of it it seems?) that missed it first time around? 🙂

FWIW I’ve knocked up a rough chart of TV’s Exhibit “A”, and this is attached below.

I guess it’s a case of watch this space, at least until US wakes up? 🙂





  • USD_EUR Spot_ExhibitA.png
    USD_EUR Spot_ExhibitA.png
    25.3 KB · Views: 386
Thanks Mayfly.

So it looks like the price went down through the Short Swing Target: $1.3196, then a long swing was triggered. Not sure how that works but I presume this is taking a trade when the price returns above the short swing target.

Still don't quite get how TV posts this on the 14-12-2004 and the trade was on the 12/10/04. Looks like US and UK dates might have been mixed up and I presume the trade was taken two days before it was posted. Doesn't fill me with confidence. It would probably help if TV started again and posted a few trades as they happen without editing. At least then the 'evidence' would be valid.
That post (which TV calls Exhibit “A”) was edited two hours after the long target was reached.

"Last edited by TradeVector : 15-12-2004 at 07:31 PM. Reason: Added "Week of:"

I dont know if T2W keep edit logs but it would be interesting to read the original
schoe said:
I think you have missed my point DWT how can I share my Holy Grail with you when there isn't one. I know how to trade using price action with volume and this is all I need.

I am certainly open to new ideas as well but know that if somebody had invented a system with 98% accuracy which was a good as Tradevector said he wouldn't be talking about it on a bulletin board he would be trading it and making millions.

What evidence have we seen of these claims? One trade, now everybody wants to sign on the dotted line. thats fine all I am saying is I am skeptical.

There are hundreds of Banks and other institutions out there with the top graduates and brilliant minds all looking to gain an edge they have more computer power and funds than anybody on these boards and they haven't been able to come up with anything approaching a Grail so why should I believe somebody on these boards who makes such a claim and posts one trade as evidence.

Albert sorry I mean Tradevector has proved he is a master of the English language and is having some fun with everybody by claiming to have invented the Mother of all systems and he can smell the greed in a lot of people desperate to buy said method he is laughing at us all. he is so generous that he is going to share it with us all Christmas really has come early.

I don't wish to knock anybody but lets see the proof rather than all these fancy words.

I got your point completely You can't share what you don't have and that you don't believe exist.

Alan Greenspan once said the Fed has spent Millions of $ and thousand of hours trying to predict the Forex without success. And I'm sure they are not the only government or financial institution to attempt to do so.. But you now claim to be able to make money trading the Forex, an endeavor in which 90% + lose money, trading on only two indicators Price Action and Volume ( does Volume exist in Forex) .. Where's your proof. Post it here. I bet you don't feel obligated to prove it do you? Neither does VT. His system either exist or it doesn't, it is what it is, but he's under no obligation, just as you aren't, to prove anything. It's his toy and can do with it what he wants...

As for experts. Doesn' t the Monkey wins just about every year in the Stock picking contest against the experts.

These board could and should be used to have dialogs about trading, not bashing, not demanding proof. You are under no obligation to believe anything you don't want to believe, just as you are under no obligation to prove your claims of making money trading. So why not engage in a constructive dialog and perhaps the proof, or lack thereof, could be forecoming.
Who said I trade forex I trade the ym using price patterns and volume and yes volume does exist in forex if you trade the futures with IB.
As for an obligation to prove things you are right I don't need to and have no intention of trying as trading is not a skill that can be taught without hours of practice in my opinion.
As for TV not needing to prove anything if you appear on a board and claim to have been working five years and invented something that Greenspan has not been able to then yes people are going to ask for proof thats all I am doing the same as many other members.
I don't understand the exhibits post either the Judge would surely direct the jury to throw the case out based on that evidence.
Please TV post some trades live as you originally intended to I will be very interested in a simple format ie entry price, stop loss if there is one and target.
Many thanks.
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Closing this one as well, it's not going anywhere useful. Good posts schoe, by the way.
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