TickTrader - The first 3-in-1 GUI Platform for Automated Algorithmic Trading


Active member
Trading platform where the user can develop his own algorithms using a new 4 dimensional GUI method, no programming.

- GUI for developent of algorithms, using 4 timeframes ( no need of broker account )
- Multicharting
- Full backtesting of algorithms, using free historical tick data ( no need of broker account )
- Free historical tick data: EUR, GBP, ES, ER2, NQ, JPY - GLOBEX/CME futures ( no need of broker account )
- Excel and Gain Graph
- Defining of trading hours
- Simulated trading of the algorithm on paper account using live data feed
- Automated trading of the algorithm 24h a day, 7 days a week
- Semi-automated trading of the algorithm
- Manual trading
- Security Manager, using SMS messaging for critical system events and alerts
- New timeframe called CB Bars, eliminates the disadvantages of time and range bars
- Connects to IB order management and data feed

We did put a ( amateur ) video on YouTube of how we see the future within Automated Trading.

TickCOM ApS, Denmark

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What are Range Bars?

Will TICKCOM work with other data feeds or only interactive Brokers?


What are Range Bars?

Will TICKCOM work with other data feeds or only interactive Brokers?


Hi Grant,

Range Bars are bars with a fixed height, for example a Range 3 bar is 3 tick high. Range Bars catch fast price movements, while Time Bars catch sideways trading. Disadvantage of Range Bars is that they dont catch side ways trading, and Time Bars dont catch fast drops in price. Thus combining the two, eliminates the disadvantages and gives up to 50% more descriptive bars - which affects the underlaying technical indicators, providing a new "picture" of the price movement.

TickTrader uses today only IB - simply because its the only provider today of both low commissions and a API for operational nonattended automated trading ( that I know about). You may find other API´s, but the dont have backfilling or miss other critical functionality for unattended automated trading. However, if other brokers launch API´s useable for automated unattended trading in the future, we will include those as well.
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Hello Tick,

Thank you for the clarification.

I'll keep watching your site for further product development and potential links with other brokers/vendors.

Good luck for the future.

Hello Tick,

Thank you for the clarification.

I'll keep watching your site for further product development and potential links with other brokers/vendors.

Good luck for the future.


Just for the record, which brokers would you like supported ?