Tickerheads.com - New Social Network for Traders


Hello everyone! I’ve been a lurker here for a while and a trader for the last 14 years. We've just launched a new social networking site for traders and are looking for a few beta testers.

Here’s a quick overview of the site, Tickerheads.com:

-find and share trade ideas
-vote for your favorite trades
-maintain a trade journal
-make friends
-join groups

The cool part is that the site is not limited to just one style of trading - stock, future, option, forex and mutual fund traders can all benefit.

Anyway, check out Tickerheads.com and feel free to share any feedback.

Interesting concept, good luck. I think more people will stick to the forums mind you. 🙂
Please don't take this as a criticism it's just a question ...

Whats the difference between your social networking site and any other forum. The concept seems pretty much the same to me?

"sell it to me"
Forums are terrific for discussing trading strategies, keeping trade journals, etc. but they are horrible for sharing and finding real time trade ideas. And you also don't get the same sense of community in forums as you do with social networks.

Over the last few years, a trader group I belong to has always shared ideas and thoughts via email. I find myself constantly having to search through old emails to figure out what positions my buddies are in. With tickerheads, our group can share and comment on trades easily.
I find myself constantly having to search through old emails to figure out what positions my buddies are in. With tickerheads, our group can share and comment on trades easily.

Why should you be remotely interested in what a bunch of other people are doing ?

Tradings difficult enough without adding noise from a bunch of other people whose sole objective is to take your money if they can.
Hi. Please use me as a beta tester for tickerheads.com. Thanks.
Why should you be remotely interested in what a bunch of other people are doing ?

Tradings difficult enough without adding noise from a bunch of other people whose sole objective is to take your money if they can.