tick chart data feeds?


😎 Can anyone recommend a live data link feed with a tick chart that covers the dax futures
Hi ferter,

You have to be very careful with these datafeed / charting combo questions as there are so many variables in pricing, technologies, and the experience of those who answer you. I'm not a DAX futures trader but hope to add a couple of points that will help you towards a decision.

1. Where's the data coming from? - probably DAX futures contracts taken from Eurex (http://www.eurexchange.com). The website lists 398 market data vendors - how fast & reliable are they in conjunction with your prospective charting package provider? All of the data vendor websites are listed, so you can do a bit of your own research, ask questions, and arrange demos. If someone tips you off re: a good charting package, then find out who provides their DAX futures data .......... it may be seconds behind a competing data vendor.

2. More about yourself? E.g. are you a specialist in EOD analysis on DAX futures and looking for intraday interest? Have you a reasonable budget to purchase the best products? ........ real-time data / charting packages aren't cheap (£25 month+ say). Any idea re: charting features required?

3. Help from other T2Win boards / reviews? Refer to postings that may help re: datafeeds coverage & charting packages. E.g. recall a few things said re: Tenfore Systems + Financial Express Prestel over recent weeks (I think!) & both appear as vendors on the Eurex list ........ could score well re: tight integration of feed / charting.

Ideally, a DAX futures trading guru will put us straight 🙂

All the best, Rudi.
The cheapest way to get Dax data is to open an IB account subscribe to the data (which I think is 8 Euros per month) and use a charting package that can take the feed direct from IB. I think Quotetracker may be one that can although I dont use it so I cannot say for sure. It is also the cheapest way to trade the Dax as well as IB have the best priced commissions that I know of to date.

Trader333 said:
The cheapest way to get Dax data is to open an IB account subscribe to the data (which I think is 8 Euros per month) and use a charting package that can take the feed direct from IB. I think Quotetracker may be one that can although I dont use it so I cannot say for sure. It is also the cheapest way to trade the Dax as well as IB have the best priced commissions that I know of to date.


Quotetracker is free with advertisements. You can also use Sierrachart with the IB feed. The only problem with IB feed is that it does not provide you with backfill data. So you will only have data for the times that your charting program has been on.

The Mytrack Sierrachart combo is an inexpensive option if you need backfill data.

Actually, I'm comparing esignal and mytrack/sierra side-by-side for eurex data right now and esignal is only a fraction of a second faster, but costs more than twice as much.

If you have the money, I think CQG is probably the best. It costs a lot more than all the other choices.
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IB/Sierra is faster than MyTrack/Sierra so I suggest the IB/Sierra combo will be a good match for esignal. Given esignals alleged problems with the Eurex feed and that it costs more I know which way I would go....

You're absolutely right. IB is the fastest feed out of all the choices mentioned, and very inexpensive if using IB/Sierra, but it doesn't provide data for backfills. So you don't have data for when the program is not on. Plus I don't have an IB account. 🙁
Why don't you use a vendor like Trading Technologies or CQG for your live tick data and execution. Then connect through a clearer like Marex?

I think this would be a good option. What do you think?
Here is a screen shot of the DAX Live with millisecond precision on the DTN.IQ GUI platform. There is a free trial available as well.



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