I have spoken to him, he holds 30-40 stocks for a period of normally 6-8 weeks, some longer, some shorter.
He is buying normal stocks, not doing anything like spread betting or any of the 'complicated' things I see here.
He reads financial reports/press and use's his 'feelings' to stock pick after looking at the various stats, graphs etc available.
That is a poor explaination of what he does, I have another meeting with him to see if I can get a more complete picture.
On a different note its interesting reading this thread, I can't get a clear message on who to listen to as there is lots of different opinions, some people seem to be saying don't bother, some start small and see etc..
Just for clarity, the 100k is not 'my life savings' , I have 4-5 other ventures, own 3 franchise's where the initial investment was far in excess of 100k. I had no experience in those either.
The IFA practice is where I earn my 'living expenses', the others make profit which I normally reinvest. Once the IFA practice is sold I want to do something else, hence trading.
I don't want to wait 10 years to get the experience, its the same mentality as the franchise model, you pay for experience and a proven method of doing something. The results however are entirely down to the individual.
As before I would happily pay for someone to train me, I fully understand that its not a magic 'money making' machine after that, however with the right approach people must be making money or why is everyone here ?
I might spend 5k on training and find that its not a suitable business for me, thats part of the investment into any new venture, some will be successful some wont..
So I really do need a mentor / trainer so that I can get enough information to make an informed decision, any volunteers ? 🙂
Once again thanks for all the responses, I have read every one so your time has not been watsed in responding..