Thinking of marriage then read this !


Legendary member
1.Never ever marry the girl you love.
Make her your mistress and have fun.
Discard when bored with her or broke, for the latest model, like cars.

2. Marry a dependable, plain woman with a happy and understanding disposition to have your kids and look after the home. To guarantee an oasis of contentment and peace.

Exciting women I find are:-
1. expensive
2. demand a huge amount of one's time and appreciation
3. bossy - no democracy/equal partnership here
4. unforgiving unless you crawl and accept her mistakes as your fault
5. expect one to fufil all the duties of a slave by giving only a hint of untold rewards later
6. Useless at domestic duties like cooking/cleaning
7. ruthless when the man runs out of money, credit and any friends foolish enough to lend him any.
8. selfish to the nth degree
9. not as good as they claim to be, in bed

Did I forget something ?
Naturally the housekeeper cum wife must agree to the arrangement before marrying
Re marriage - someone said: "if it's got wheels, goes to sea or wears a skirt then renting is the best option".
1.Never ever marry the girl you love.
Make her your mistress and have fun.
Discard when bored with her or broke, for the latest model, like cars.

2. Marry a dependable, plain woman with a happy and understanding disposition to have your kids and look after the home. To guarantee an oasis of contentment and peace.

Exciting women I find are:-
1. expensive
2. demand a huge amount of one's time and appreciation
3. bossy - no democracy/equal partnership here
4. unforgiving unless you crawl and accept her mistakes as your fault
5. expect one to fufil all the duties of a slave by giving only a hint of untold rewards later
6. Useless at domestic duties like cooking/cleaning
7. ruthless when the man runs out of money, credit and any friends foolish enough to lend him any.
8. selfish to the nth degree
9. not as good as they claim to be, in bed

Did I forget something ?

Bravo sir!

Words of wisdom indeed. I wish more people would think before committing to love marriages.