There could be trouble ahead


I would have thought a few sweeps of Google with appropriate search words should provide your answers. Seems like you might have a good idea.

I'm curious about your little photograph beside your name. Is that some kind of S&M leather mask?

Best wishes,
I am sure they will get round it with a once only, or annually, signed disclaimer - in which case it makes the whole point of this legislation completely useless so why bother in the first place?? Oh yes, I forgot, its so the fine upstanding Euro MP's can justify there existence and exhorbitant salaries and expense accounts!! 🙄

Another thought, you contact your broker to short, he says no I would buy if I were you (secondary thought, is that coz your firm has just issued a buy recommendation and you need to dump a load of stock??? Nah, shouldn't be so cynical!!) so you take the advice and buy, and yep it goes pear shaped - can you sue the broker for giving out p!$$ poor advice? If so, this legislation is a charter for the trader to get simple, guaranteed, no loss trading - take the profits on the winners, sue the brokers on the losers!! Piece of Pee, even I could do that! :cheesy:
Excellent Eminem!

Yes that's a good point. Ask the broker for advice and sue when it goes pear-shaped!! This Euro nonsense is getting all of us down.

Hi Oatman

I shall bow down to your knowledge and experience. I would really love you to be right, as it is the ultimate answer to the 3 day-trades a week rule 🙂
IMO only those brokers who have a proven track record of giving correct advice should be allowed to do business.
So let's have a law which enforces that too.
That does away with brokers then :cheesy: , and can I have my pension fund back please? 🙁
Hi Oatman

You mean to say you actually have a pension fund left 😱

Hi Glenn

That would mean that no new brokers could start-up and they would be against it. If it was in brokers interests to keep the execution only service, then the EU would have to cave in
So everyone is going to have to go back to a black jack or roulette system or follow Rossord across the pond 😉

oatman.....where did you get that pic of the banging head?....

on a serious note i cant see how those self serving tossers at the eu can stop non uk internet based direct access brokers from taking on uk or european based clients......

it would also seem to me be impossible to stop a uk or european resident from opening an account....

as far as i'm aware it is illegal for spread betting firms to set up in the usa but its not illegal for an american to open an account with a uk based spread betting firm.......

i think there is alot of tearing out of hair going on that is probably unnecessary.....having said that my mep will be getting earache from me very soon!!!


FB, NO, I mean I haven't got a pension fund left. 😢

The head banger is me sorting out my computer problems. Today's task started trying to recover some files and ended up with a clean install. still d'loading updates :cheesy: Might get to trade again soon 😉
I'll have a look for the avatars. You can do a Google.

Not sure where i got it but these will keep you busy for a while 😆
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The problem is that if you have an account based in the UK then IB will, (because they have already said they will), abide by the law as will all brokers that have a base in the UK. The only way around this is to have an account, or address, that is not EU based. Unless, of course, the brokers find a way around this which they may well do.

Remember esignal started charging vat on subscriptions because they have a base in the UK and needed to comply with UK law.

Also SB firms will not allow US residents to place bets and is one of the reasons they have CFD accounts. Again this can be got around if you can show you have a UK address.

I totally agree with your sentiments though and I am sick to death of having more and more of my freedoms taken away by living in this country. Did you know that since 1997 there have been 4000 new pieces of legislation introduced that all small businesses have to abide by. If you dont many of them can result in imprisonment but what chance has a small business person got of staying upto date with all of this nonsense.

I have also noticed that many people are being hounded by the "Politically Correct Thought Police" which acts as a means to stop people thinking freely without being accused of all sorts of crimes against humanity.

I had better shut up now

Just wait until you have to pay for your very own compulsory "entitlement" card with (initially) only a "few" personal details on it. How long before it will be linked to GPS (only 1 possibiity) so that "they" know where you are at any time? A few years ago we didn't think we could be tracked around by cctv but now we accept it as normal
This is freedom?
I'd better shut up too
microchips in clothes is another,which I believe is already in place.
So there you have it.We'll have to sit in front of our trading screens in the far flung reaches of siberia,stark naked,with our ID cards stuck where the sun don't shine.

You guys think this is bad!

This is just the beginning of the end of all things as we know it.

Wait until your money is worthless and you can't buy any food etc without first receiving a mark in your forehead or in your right hand.

Now this is what I call bad- Receiving this means your fate will be sealed and you will be doomed for all eternity.
if you call a broker and ask him how you can trade - he has to tell you only via him - but if you tell him you want to trade directly yourself on your own behalf - then its okay for him to do it - but he is not allowed to tell you that it is even possible - and you have to initiate the idea - that was my last understanding at a meeting we had

incredible how all these jumped up parasitical politicians skim millions making up rules to protect us - but fsa approved and sanctioned funds, are allowed to piss all your money away ,and cover it up for a while by trading between themselves, and this on the strict understanding, that they use safe long term strategies!

This is probably what comes of voting for the new crony party.

And the electorate has been wise enough to fall for it twice!!!