I've heard a pretty good review of John Piper's book and he has made a few good calls on the market, but does anyone know whether this is any good:
I've heard a pretty good review of John Piper's book . . .[/url]
I've heard a pretty good review of John Piper's book and he has made a few good calls on the market, but does anyone know whether this is any good:
I found the book very useful when I read it a while ago. It's emphasis is on futures and options so may not be suitable for everyone.
Just because a trader is trying to sell other stuff doesn't mean he is to be discounted.
In fact there is value in looking at many systems for sale and understanding why they attract the naive and why they don't work in the long run.
A good phrase I recently read was, "before you place your trade ask yourself where the loser would be now?"
Books, magazine subscriptions, may have just one item of information, or advice, that makes the cost of buying and reading it worth the trouble.
Piper's book has a lot psychology guff in it that I still have not read, but there are a few points in it that I use to this day and that I consider to be gems. The same can be said for most written work.
Everyone knows something and his knowledge is to be respected. The effort required by the reader is in the finding of that one snippet.
Splitlink: be wary! that last sentence of yours almost sounds like "finding diamonds/gems" that one of T2Ws premier members is fond of saying. Just dont start changing your font-colours! 🙂
you've got some mixed reviews georgio, you know what your gonna have to do ? 😛
by the way, did piper write that ebook, learn to trade the markets ? click on the link, I thought it was pipers book link? I see it mentions pipers technical trader hotsheet included, but I cant see his book, unless he's repackaged it ?
mmm, dont remember seeing that content list in his book...... , he had a pyramid of steps if i remember correctly? also at the back of the book, he offered a free evaluation by email and was still at Berkley Futures London.
I never did the evaluation offer from his book, anyone actually do it ?
You can have my copy.....using it as a door stop at the mo...😆