The Victor Meldrew Traders Thread.

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Weather forecasts

Am I the only person who watches BBC TV weather forecast to find out what the weather will be? - (waste of time usually because they over-egg it all in case they do a Michael Fish Hurricane again). Because ........ all I seem to get are specific forecasts for Wimbledon / World Cup / F1 / cricket / darts / local ferret-racing championships etc. Are their followers not savvy enough to know where their sport is located on the weather map? [perhaps you will understand better by knowing that our house is a sport-free zone]
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You know I've had that feeling too. 'Convenient' outages at times of high volatility.

Intertrader was down for 40 minutes today while the Dax was doing a fandango

I,m not surprised they are market makers and would of lost money whilst the Dax was Fandagoing .(lol) Trying desperetly to cover your trades bless em.
Who cares where a price comes from, i dont ,but i do care what they do with that price hence i trade with stp and ecn brokers ,even they can get last look if they so desire.
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  • Don't believe it.png
    Don't believe it.png
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What's price among "friends."

You know I've had that feeling too. 'Convenient' outages at times of high volatility.

Intertrader was down for 40 minutes today while the Dax was doing a fandango

I,m not surprised they are market makers and would of lost money whilst the Dax was Fandagoing .(lol) Trying desperetly to cover your trades bless em.
Who cares where a price comes from, i dont ,but i do care what they do with that price hence i trade with stp and ecn brokers ,even they can get last look if they so desire.
Hah ! I suppose people might also think that Spread Bet companies, akin to book makers, hate winners and, therefore, manipulate prices to limit the meagre winnings of such lucky? traders! But thats a myth, right? 😉
(Warning: Irony in action.)
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Government's who get really angry when the Gold price is manipulated and yet dont see the dichotomy when they manipulate their equity indexes.
Maybe its because they weren't controlling the Gold price manipulation. 😡
Been watching that QI with Stephen Fry, never understood the bloody scoring.
And some study says that we don't change when we get older.
Meaning grumpy old men and women is fiction.
I'm in a state of shock and WONT be watching that QI show anymore.
Long live Victor.
The BBC run loads of non-news stories where people are allowed to comment underneath. So today I decided to see what I could get past the Nazi mods they employ.

Did rather a good job don't you think !

Some guy posted this.

39 Minutes ago
I was rear ended once and the insurance company very very pushy and actually angry over the I wouldn't say I had wiplash. For more vulnerable people some may be actually getting pushed into it by insurance companies.

So I replied with this.

21 Minutes ago
13 Minutes ago
I was rear ended once and the insurance company very very pushy and actually angry over the I wouldn't say I had wiplash. For more vulnerable people some may be actually getting pushed into it by insurance companies.

Was that the Roger Hugh Janus case?
I remember it was in the papers.

So far I've gotten away with it !!!🙂
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I can just see Victor ranting about the EU court's decision to reward prisoners, already with free board and lodging, because they couldn't vote. That's about 92,000 currently in prison times £x,000s !
The dick heads in Brussells really don't know a good decision.

Reason enough to ditch the EU ? Major crime waves expected just before election times

It's OUR money they are wasting. If it was their own money at stake - oh yes !! a very different decision I expect !!

Not much of a punishment but it does stop the slimey lot vote gathering from prisons. They would vote that the prisons be demolished, no doubt.
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Best place to live

I can just see Victor ranting about the EU court's decision to reward prisoners, already with free board and lodging, because they couldn't vote. That's about 92,000 currently in prison times £x,000s !
The dick heads in Brussells really don't know a good decision.

Reason enough to ditch the EU ? Major crime waves expected just before election times

It's OUR money they are wasting. If it was their own money at stake - oh yes !! a very different decision I expect !!

Not much of a punishment but it does stop the slimey lot vote gathering from prisons. They would vote that the prisons be demolished, no doubt.

Hah !
Don't worry about crime waves.Britain is such a popular place to live that thousands of people in Calais are clamouring to reach Britain and share the good life.
And we think we have problemos

AN ILLEGAL POEM - still a goodie-
By Illegal Immigrants

I cross river,
Poor and broke,

Take bus,
See employment folk.

Nice man
Treat me good in there,
Say I need
Go see Welfare.

Welfare say,
'You come no more,

We send cash
Right to your door.'

Welfare checks,
They make you wealthy,

It keep you healthy!

By and by,
Got plenty money,

Thanks to you, TAXPAYER dummy.

Write to friends
In motherland,

Tell them
'come, fast as you can'

They come in buses
And Chebby trucks,

I buy big house
With welfare bucks.

They come here,
We live together,

More welfare checks,
It gets better!

Fourteen families,
They moving in,

But neighbor's patience
Wearing thin.

Finally, white guy
Moves away,
. .

I buy his house,
And then I say,

'Find more aliens
For house to rent.'

In my yard
I put a tent.

Send for family
They just trash,


But they, too,
Draw welfare cash!

Everything is
Very good,
Soon we own
Whole neighborhood..

We have hobby
It called breeding,

Welfare pay
For baby feeding.

Kids need dentist?
Wife need pills?

We get free!
We got no bills!

He pay all year,
To keep welfare
Running here.

We think America
Darn good place!
Too darn good
For white man race.

If they no like us,
They can go,
Got lots of room
In Mexico.
Some months ago the BBC announced that they were hiring Jonathon Ross for 3 years at £16million. That's a load of money for a second rate presenter who can't even say his rrrrrrrrrrrrs.
I haven't seen anything from him yet ! Have I missed his sizzling humour or what ?

It seems to pay well to have posh friends in high places.

In a word Wubbish. Pay it back you Wat !!
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'nuff said. 😡

Haha spent many a holiday drinking and dining in fine German establishments with some of the loveliest people you could meet! whilst watching chav brits making embarrassing fools of themselves in the next bar/restaurant along!
Had forgotten about the Victor Meldrew thread – (see myself more as a grumpy old git actually).

Talking of advertising –

What about the current radio advertising campaign by the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) which constantly rams down our throats that "advertising must be legal, decent, and honest". As far as I can tell most advertising contravenes at least one of these principles.

Perhaps the ASA should get on with policing the system instead of doing what most regulators and government Quangos do: blowing their own trumpet and spending our money.