Hi Atilla , if the U.S. economy slows you think dollar will tend to rise , maybe , isn't the consensus weak economies mean weaker currencies , not saying that's true ..didn't japan have a strong currency and weak economy for years ? with a weak U.S. economy people will be less keen to hold dollars for sure , which will weaken currency as investors leave U.S. shores , also a weak economy may tend to have slightly higher inflation in general as the central bank comes under pressure to keep interest rates a little lower than they might otherwise , plus like you say makes all imports more pricey and in longer term leads to wage inflation as domestic labour cheaper than elswhere , thus increasing demand in a sense . The effects of investors leaving and the currency weakening are sort of self balancing as investment will get more attractive the lower the dollar gets , ( plus makes us industries seem more price competitive )so yeh may weaken , but unlikely to fall through floor!!here's another thing though , apart from adding this all up , in the short term what people think makes a difference , if the u.s. economy is perceived to be in trouble investment and buying of dollars will dry up some , self fulfilling prophecy to some extent , but this weakening may be temporary ,and like you say , real returns maybe rise as the currency sinks because of percieved value in the future , in a sense real interest rates atleast for an investor are more like interest rates + or - ( depending if currency is percieved to be rising/ falling in future ) future currency movement ( the currency movement is sort of subjective , but there is a consensus of sorts in the currency futures etc