The UK May 2015 General Election

Well, yeah, the Greens are worth voting for 😆 Completely incompetent.

Yes that is cringe inducing but Osborne can't spell economics either. I doubt he knows much about finance or what futures, derivatives or coupons on FI bonds are. He may well start talking about green shield stamps.

Let me make it very clear to you we the Conservatives have a party machine that prepares statistical numbers, collects information on what rubbish our adversaries are putting out and trains us on answering difficult questions.

Cameron and Osborne are just Etonite puppets behind an establishment that puts them there to serve their own interests and they label-it up as democracy.

Shame on you CV - thought you would have wised up to all this nonsense but you probably think you are one of them now as you earn a lil more 🙁
You are right out of a comic book as they say. Soooo predictable eh? :cheesy:

Comics are great fun and what is wrong with being predictable as let's face it if the Greens took power the only thing that would be predictable is economic and political chaos.
Comics are great fun and what is wrong with being predictable as let's face it if the Greens took power the only thing that would be predictable is economic and political chaos.

The establishment and the civil service would not allow that to happen for sure.

You could see the predictable economic and political chaos now if you would like to visit sunny Brighton even on a winters day. 🙂

More than welcome 😀
I'd love to chop off the lefty limbs of the UK. Those being Scotland, Wales and NI. England would do very nicely with it's centre-right majority.

Does anyone else select 'other' when there is only 'British' as a nationality option? I do and input 'English'😆
All this terrorism on the media scares a lot of people into the arms of the Tories, as everyone knows the Socialists can't weald the big stick without transmorphing into their Communist roots.

Can the tree huggers fight them off ? Now now you naughty boys.

The Christian ethic of being nice to the guys trying to kill you seems particularly silly. Toughen up those guys imho and stop turning the other cheek. It's taken enough punishment.

Firm but not too Nazi like imho

The terrorists have no mercy for others and should be given as much. In WW2 General Patton gave the order No Prisoners after the dirty tricks of booby traps, using US uniforms etc.
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In between trading doing some homework on the UK tax system along with digging out all the stats for something else I am up to.

I have had a shock - just 1% of the top income earners paid over 30% of all income tax for last year

Now if it was 5 or 10% of top earners paying say similar amount - then maybe not such much of a problem - but if Labour and the left try to squeeze more blood out of the real top earners paying 45% tax etc - then suddenly if a few decide to move abroad / offshore for good - then we could lose 15 to 20% of all our income tax revenues - and then all those on 20% + will need to pay 50% + to balance the books.

Ideally we need less government spend ( difficult ) and attracting another few hundred Russian Billionaires etc into London just keep paying for the NHS.

Glad I am not a Politician
In between trading doing some homework on the UK tax system along with digging out all the stats for something else I am up to.

I have had a shock - just 1% of the top income earners paid over 30% of all income tax for last year

Now if it was 5 or 10% of top earners paying say similar amount - then maybe not such much of a problem - but if Labour and the left try to squeeze more blood out of the real top earners paying 45% tax etc - then suddenly if a few decide to move abroad / offshore for good - then we could lose 15 to 20% of all our income tax revenues - and then all those on 20% + will need to pay 50% + to balance the books.

Ideally we need less government spend ( difficult ) and attracting another few hundred Russian Billionaires etc into London just keep paying for the NHS.

Glad I am not a Politician

The above is what the Left will never understand
I have had a shock - just 1% of the top income earners paid over 30% of all income tax for last year

That's about 300,000 people (since there are 30 million income tax-payers).

then suddenly if a few decide to move abroad / offshore for good - then we could lose 15 to 20% of all our income tax revenues

If 300,000 people are collectively contributing just over 30% of income tax receipts, then how is losing "a few" going to cost 15-20% of income tax receipts? It just doesn't add up, does it?

The above is what the Left will never understand

Indeed - they won't. Not the informed Left, anyway: they'll see through those numbers much too quickly to be interested in trying to "understand" them.

What saddens me about seeing forum "information" of this kind, is that I'm actually on Forexmospherian's side of this discussion, politically, and this kind of "reasoning" does our cause absolutely no good at all. 🙁
That's about 300,000 people (since there are 30 million income tax-payers).

Yes correct - in absolute terms -300k is small and even on pareto's 80 /20 - if just 60k emigrated - we could lose up to 24% of our total tax income - I know 60k is not just a few - but its still what only 0 01 % or so of our UK pop

If 300,000 people are collectively contributing just over 30% of income tax receipts, then how is losing "a few" going to cost 15-20% of income tax receipts? It just doesn't add up, does it?

Sorry explained above Pareto's law and 60k - being just less than 0 01% of UK pop

Indeed - they won't. Not the informed Left, anyway: they'll see through those numbers much too quickly to be interested in trying to "understand" them.

Left are left and right are right and I see both sides of the debates - politics is not black and white - so many grey areas

What saddens me about seeing forum "information" of this kind, is that I'm actually on Forexmospherian's side of this discussion, politically, and this kind of "reasoning" does our cause absolutely no good at all. 🙁

Always loved stats and economics - I ignore economics for intraday trading FX but my stats always give me another "edge"


The Election Outcome?

So what's it going to be?

(1) Nightmare scenario: SNP crushes Labour in Scotland and props up UK Miliband Labour minority government in order to achieve its own ends i.e. Scottish independence

(2) Even worse nightmare scenario: Natalie Bennett and the Greens form a government (ok I'm only joking!)

(3) "Call me Dave" forms minority government and does deal with Nigel so that he can continue his long-held desire to be Prime Minister and Head Boy by doing whatever it takes for ever – even if it means out-UKipping UKIP

(4) Nick Clegg gets the TV debates organised without Dave and does his TV magic again

(5) Hung parliament and a re- run election

Currently I'm putting my money on (3) but as we do in the trading world, I'll reserve the option to change horses during the race.
It does appear we are heading towards some form of Labour coalition government. I truly despair. But if that happens, the country will deserve everything she gets.

For example, I live in one of the highest per captia income boroughs in the country, and it's STILL a small labor majority here. Please...........

UKIP are getting my vote. I fully expect them to become the third party within the next ten years.
It does appear we are heading towards some form of Labour coalition government. I truly despair. But if that happens, the country will deserve everything she gets.

For example, I live in one of the highest per captia income boroughs in the country, and it's STILL a small labor majority here. Please...........

UKIP are getting my vote. I fully expect them to become the third party within the next ten years.

Need to wise up guys!

Migrant labour is the solution to keeping wage inflation down and rectify the aging population thus keeping a lid on pending pension crises.

Anything else is all b0ll0cks... Honestly!

I wouldn't be surprised if in another 200 years Germany and Japan die out due to falling birth rates. Japan in particular has very little or no foreign migrant labour is in serious trouble with dysfunctional young population. Even worse aging one where the vegetable dead are kept alive fed with tubes down their noses.

UKIP is no different to all the other political parties who tell lies to get elected promising BS they can't deliver.
Fightng change is good, and natural, in a democratic society but all countries are in a process of evolution. Times change, whether we like it, or not.

We must put the brake on uncontrolled immigration but, stop it, in the long run? Impossible. The poor and hungry are pouring into Spain and Italy in their thousands. They are dying on their boats in their hundreds every month.

Our children are going to have to get used to it because it is the future.

UKIP, is not a bad thing, provided it does not become an out-and-out radical party. It is a protest party. It is only a brake, though. Our world is changing all the time and our populations are aging, as you say.

You have heard about Spanish Catolicism, where condoms were prohibited? Families of seven were common- Not any more. They don't bother to get married any more, here. What's the point, if they will end up divorced in the future? The result, though, is a lack of children and it is getting noticable, year by year.
Another opinion, while I'm at it !🙂

Countries, like the UK, are getting fed up with the policies of two main parties. There are lots of protest parties on the boil in Spain right now. Elections due at year end. Podemos on the left and Citizens on the right plus a load of greens and stuff are going to eat into the main parties' majorities.

Our main issue, here, is not immigration, though. It is corruption. Fat cats with their fingers in the till while pensioners are trying to help out their kids.
Hey Split, up bright and early I see.


Totally agree that change is the only constant in life.

What I don't get is why the UK is so reliant on US style conservatism these days.

Next thing we know is that people having a wine are gonna be labeled alcoholics if that continues.

Brits should travel to Scandinavia more.

Socialism, pure, yet one of the highest lifestyles on this planet.

Japan, another good example.

Rhetorics plain don't cut it, do they.

So what's it going to be?

(1) Nightmare scenario: SNP crushes Labour in Scotland and props up UK Miliband Labour minority government in order to achieve its own ends i.e. Scottish independence

(2) Even worse nightmare scenario: Natalie Bennett and the Greens form a government (ok I'm only joking!)

(3) "Call me Dave" forms minority government and does deal with Nigel so that he can continue his long-held desire to be Prime Minister and Head Boy by doing whatever it takes for ever – even if it means out-UKipping UKIP

(4) Nick Clegg gets the TV debates organised without Dave and does his TV magic again

(5) Hung parliament and a re- run election

Currently I'm putting my money on (3) but as we do in the trading world, I'll reserve the option to change horses during the race.

Some good insights above imho
Dave is off to a bad start criticising the Beeb - they are a " must have " on your side. And the debate quarrel is hotting up with Dave sidelining himself.
Well assuming the most likely scenario is the Tories get elected because the economy has done well and Dave doesn't make too many blunders, he will have to call a referendum next autumn on the EU. If he is in a minority Govt and has to get another party in then UKIP are the obvious choice. The Lib Dems were only half hearted supporters.
Probably the UK leaves the EU shambles. The stupid EU leaders won't even try and reform the corruption and other ills.

What if all the minor parties got together and had enough seats ? Ha ha The bubble and squeak agenda of ..........? Chaos and the army has to step in ?
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I can just see down the road a bit. Charlie stepping up to be King. The country in its usual mess and a new Cromwell appearing out of the shadows to sweep the bickering politicians into the dustbin of history.

Personally I prefer gentle and steady improvement, not some fire breathing revolutionary. Well alright put Blair in the Tower for causing most of the troubles and a convenient scapegoat.
What I'd genuinely like to know.

I'm German as you know.

From our perspective - and against all conspiracy theories out there of hegemonial dreams of a 4th Reich lol which are just plain nonsense - the EU was first and foremost an insurance against our sad common history of having nothing better to do than wage ludicrous wars against each other which never changed the course of history or balance of power in the slightest.

Bloodshed for nothing, in other words.

So where does all this this EU Angst in the UK come from ?

First you really really wanted in after the train had left the station quite some time ago.

Now since decades you've really really wanted out.

What gives ?

Of course the EU isn't perfect, has it's problems, etc.

But what major institution or country is fault free ?

If the main dividend has been a European Union that for the first time since ages has seen generations growing up without the horrors of war, I'd say that an institution that additionally gives us a voice and influence in the world none of us would individually have, has been well worth it, despite all it's faults and imperfections.
What I'd genuinely like to know.

I'm German as you know.

From our perspective - and against all conspiracy theories out there of hegemonial dreams of a 4th Reich lol which are just plain nonsense - the EU was first and foremost an insurance against our sad common history of having nothing better to do than wage ludicrous wars against each other which never changed the course of history or balance of power in the slightest.

Bloodshed for nothing, in other words.

So where does all this this EU Angst in the UK come from ?

First you really really wanted in after the train had left the station quite some time ago.

Now since decades you've really really wanted out.

What gives ?

Of course the EU isn't perfect, has it's problems, etc.

But what major institution or country is fault free ?

If the main dividend has been a European Union that for the first time since ages has seen generations growing up without the horrors of war, I'd say that an institution that additionally gives us a voice and influence in the world none of us would individually have, has been well worth it, despite all it's faults and imperfections.

A case well put Markus.( Your English is amazingly good, have you lived here ? ). But I regret to say it will come down to money to decide the Eu's future. Greece and the rest of the PIIG countries were perfectly alright before they joined but now are not doing at all well. Podimos etc. are brought together by desperation imho and have nothing in the larder to offer. Just dreams.
I share and applaud your ideas of peace but where is the prosperity ? Without that it will fail. Oh I forget that Germany is doing alright.