The truth about trading arcades

Arbitrageur said:
I'm not sure what you arent getting about the TWF arrangement - consider them as a direct access futures broker, so if you understand how a normal futures broker works, you already know how TWF works.

since when do "direct access" brokers "hedge" against their clients positions?

either they allow clients direct access to freely execute & match trades on the open market or they dont.

once the broker takes an opposite position in the market trading against clients positions then market abuse easily follows.

TWF is not a "Normal futures broker", so i doubt you know how they work...

...unless that is marex let you go, and you now work for this bucketshop?
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adrianbuthee said:
Hello CharlieChan

It basically works like trade on a futures trading platform and execute orders straight into the market. This trade is then instantly booked and allocated to your account as a spreadbet at the spreadbet price. The difference between the two being your spread rate. Commissions cannot be charged so a fixed quantity of spread is charged on the price at which you were filled in the market. The amount of spread charged is based on your monthly volume.

. . .

With the caveat (at least with being that your bet size has to be in units of the underlying future ie 10EUR/tick for the Bund.

martin brown said:
I think this needs more explanation...

. . . blah blah . . .

Martin, if you are having a problem with this concept, then I suggest that the financial markets are not for you at the moment.
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