The Torture Thread. Come in and Sting Yourself!

Crap Buddist

Senior member
Well, better in here than stinging yourself in the markets...... Inspired myself based on the nearest i come to feelings of hate...... lol pasted from another thread .. my rant..


Talking of Accents . Anyone watch house starring Hugh lawrie (sp) anyway, he plays the doc with the dicky leg..... Now I cannot believe the false yank accent he insists on using or acting or whatever he calls it , when I first heard it I thought it was a p1ss take show of brits acting with deliberately bad american accents..... LOL but this guy and the show producers are serious !

No way !! God watch House, listen to the false brit yanky drawl............ I'm hopping mad when that comes on, I'm embarressed for British Actors.

Is it just me ? How can they lap it up ? god he would of been so much better using a brit accent for the consultant, hey it fits yeah... specialist job , so it wouldn't be too out of place to have an eccentric Brit in a US hossie ? So why the false yank wank. Excuse my French ! its a shocker to me though........

please help... As I feel i'm not far off forcing myself to watch it so if only so I'm there watching the episode when they fly a plane into the reception area or something and he vaporizes in 300 tons of jet fuel ! And I cheer as I hear the last of his false accent disappear into the Vwooommmppphhhhh of the kerosene produced shock wave....... and i finally find peace and have some sort of closure over the matter.

Thank you in advance.

The Sting &Torture

YouTube - Hugh Laurie casting for House MD

You call that responsible acting ? you really are a clever fcuker getting away with that , yeah I wait for the day you write your memoirs and tell the world you were waiting to be collared for that shocker, but it never came ,indeed you even got more money and success from it.......which is cool, only as an actor ,surley one cares about quality of performance ? maybe it's not your fault hugh, maybe the money the Yanks offered was greater than your own professional integrity..... everyman has his price I guess....
CB mate, to me, you have a "quaint" sense of humour.

I can tell you are probably a big fan of the (unfunny:-0😱) monty python - yes?

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the Don Cheadle cockney accent in Oceans' 11,12 & 13 has to be the worst, why they couldn't just get a British actor to play the part is beyond me
Yes, I did see that one but not being Irish I can't criticise. He was an Irish gypsy, after all!
Do you ever read these free London papers on the Tube? Augh! All these pages dedicated to these numb-skulled idiots who are in the papers based around the fact that they are related to someone famous or going out with someone famous. And they're always snapped wandering around high streets aimlessly, buying loads of crap that they will be snapped wearing tomorrow, or they are getting turfed out of a nightclub p*ssed and ranting. What have any of these people done to deserve celebrity status and why tf would anybody be wanting to read about them?!? These talentless, charmless, gormless, often hideously ugly, highly opinionated individuals tainting our collective consciousness with their fevered egos (tx Bill Hicks 🙂 ) when all they really deserve is a good shoe-ing!! Why don't you do something useful with your celebrity status?!? 'What shall we do today? Build an orphanage in Sierra Leone? No, let's go ot a nightclub, drink six Vodka Red Bulls, then p*ss in our friend's handbag and get thrown out screaming our heads off!!'

And speaking of fevered egos, I simply MUST mention this:

I work for a large (extremely large) pharmaceutical company in R&D. We are restructuring, and as a result of this, my department was binned a couple of months ago and we have all received redundancy notices. Decisions were made based upon your department, and mine has some offices in Eastern Europe. The company decided to keep the E Europe office and dump us. The other department here is losing 55% of head-count (Guess where: CHINA!!!!!!!) and they all can re-apply for their own jobs, but we are not allowed to be considered for their jobs.
So today I received an award for an Exceptional Scientific Contribution to the company and the drug pipeline. The award consists of my receiving 600 shares in the company (Currently worth about £8000) that I can only claim if I stay with the company for 3 years!!
What a joke!! First thing I'm made redundant based on what side of the corridor I was on when the music stopped. Now this as a kick in my teeth. A 'golden handcuffs' award designed to retain the people who make the biggest contribution to R&D which is absolutely worthless!!

Do NOT study sciences people...... some MBA sociopath will make your life a misery for ever more if you decide to earn a living from it 🙁
Gumping, i know the papers you're talking about! usual suspects, Lily Allen, Jamie Winstone, Amy Winehouse b*stards.