Hello peeps,
I just wanted to start a thread on the t2w chat-rooms. What were, at one point, amongst the best chat-rooms on the net have recently "diminished" so much in quality it's become quite sad.
There used to be time when a lot of good, professional and accomplished traders used to attend and in keeping with the t2w ethos, were more than helpful and supportive of the newbies. One that immediately comes to mind is dayraider. But there were many others as well. Now, all of a sudden, all these have left, mostly without any explanation. I have no problem at all with the current bunch of guys (if anyone even logs on on some occasions) that do come to the chat-room, they're all welcome and its nice "meeting" them, however if these same ppl were around in the "good old days", then I am sure they would agree with me and would want to know "what went wrong"?
Why have they left? Is it because of differing personalities? is it a distraction to trading? is it because you don't know how to get mIRC up and running? a great-aunt died and forbade you to go to "that chat-room" if you ever wanted to see your part of the inheritance? what is the reason?....I'd like to invite other t2w'ers to post their views on "what 'appened?"....
Their are many (myself included) who feel the t2w web-site is one of the best out there, and whilst some time ago, the chat-rooms were as well, they certainly aren't at the moment. Why not make it good again?
I know in the past there have been personality clashes between peeps (lets keep this clean - without going into any gory details, and naming any names), but surely as adults venturing into the adrenalin pumping world of trading, we should all be mature enough to "sort it out". Amicably. Personally, I think it's quite immature to be on "not-speaking" terms if you're an adult. Maybe this is the type of thing bothering some ppl? If so, isn't it wisest to "sort it out" and "just move on"?
I also know one of the gripes some people have is there are certain traders who only want to appear as if they are doing well by posting their winning trades, and being surreptitious about the losing trades. If that is the case then that is a valid complaint and all participants should make sure they are not part of such a group of people. It should be an unwritten rule of the chat-room that if you post a trade, and trade, then you post both entry AND exit. And whether you lose or you win, make sure you're HUMBLE about it. Maybe that adds to the "family" atmosphere of the chat-room.... Any comments are of-course welcome. And it goes without saying, we never talk about how much money made or loss, just talk about points. "What do point make?" PRIZES!!!!! 😉 <thunderous clapping> 🙂
Another thing I've noticed is certain people log on and don't say anything. You can try conversing with them till the cows come home ( 😉 ) but their best replies will be monosyllabic.... Maybe they should also contribute? On the flip side there are others who just wont shut up, and this counts as a 0 point (pint 😉 towards them, and they should understand and step aside a bit as well....But these are just teething problems that can always be rectified...
So come on peeps, lets chat about how to bring up the standard of the chat-room to the level it used to be at, and hear/read others suggestions on what can be done....
I just wanted to start a thread on the t2w chat-rooms. What were, at one point, amongst the best chat-rooms on the net have recently "diminished" so much in quality it's become quite sad.
There used to be time when a lot of good, professional and accomplished traders used to attend and in keeping with the t2w ethos, were more than helpful and supportive of the newbies. One that immediately comes to mind is dayraider. But there were many others as well. Now, all of a sudden, all these have left, mostly without any explanation. I have no problem at all with the current bunch of guys (if anyone even logs on on some occasions) that do come to the chat-room, they're all welcome and its nice "meeting" them, however if these same ppl were around in the "good old days", then I am sure they would agree with me and would want to know "what went wrong"?
Why have they left? Is it because of differing personalities? is it a distraction to trading? is it because you don't know how to get mIRC up and running? a great-aunt died and forbade you to go to "that chat-room" if you ever wanted to see your part of the inheritance? what is the reason?....I'd like to invite other t2w'ers to post their views on "what 'appened?"....
Their are many (myself included) who feel the t2w web-site is one of the best out there, and whilst some time ago, the chat-rooms were as well, they certainly aren't at the moment. Why not make it good again?
I know in the past there have been personality clashes between peeps (lets keep this clean - without going into any gory details, and naming any names), but surely as adults venturing into the adrenalin pumping world of trading, we should all be mature enough to "sort it out". Amicably. Personally, I think it's quite immature to be on "not-speaking" terms if you're an adult. Maybe this is the type of thing bothering some ppl? If so, isn't it wisest to "sort it out" and "just move on"?
I also know one of the gripes some people have is there are certain traders who only want to appear as if they are doing well by posting their winning trades, and being surreptitious about the losing trades. If that is the case then that is a valid complaint and all participants should make sure they are not part of such a group of people. It should be an unwritten rule of the chat-room that if you post a trade, and trade, then you post both entry AND exit. And whether you lose or you win, make sure you're HUMBLE about it. Maybe that adds to the "family" atmosphere of the chat-room.... Any comments are of-course welcome. And it goes without saying, we never talk about how much money made or loss, just talk about points. "What do point make?" PRIZES!!!!! 😉 <thunderous clapping> 🙂
Another thing I've noticed is certain people log on and don't say anything. You can try conversing with them till the cows come home ( 😉 ) but their best replies will be monosyllabic.... Maybe they should also contribute? On the flip side there are others who just wont shut up, and this counts as a 0 point (pint 😉 towards them, and they should understand and step aside a bit as well....But these are just teething problems that can always be rectified...
So come on peeps, lets chat about how to bring up the standard of the chat-room to the level it used to be at, and hear/read others suggestions on what can be done....