The Slippage Thread


Active member
Hi all, i think you'll like this one.

The main problem i seem to come across with spread betting companies is slippage. Maybe it's not the worst problem but i think it's one that maybe we could measure.

If we can do this then over time we will be able to see who slips the most. we will also be able to see if certain stake level generate more slippage and if they all slip, who is the most fair.

we would also be able to see if some people are slipped at certain levels by certain companies when others are not - now that will be interesting.

Here is my proposal.

If you are with a spreadbetter it would be great if you could get involved with this thread in the following way.

first I must define slippage. if anyone disagrees with this then speak out before we start.

I see slippage as giving you the wrong price from a placed order - that order can be a stop, limit, oco, entry order or whatever. Although i recognise that slippage does occur when trading direct to market by the seat of your pants i do not think that can give a fair representation of the company's slippage and there are human aspects then also. so in other words i don't class requotes as slippage, only slippage against some kind of market order placed before price reaches that quote.

so, if you would like to take part please do the following

Whenever you get slippage from a spreadbet company please report in this thread the following. for the purposes of making this easy i'll call everything a pip wether it's a pip or a point we will all know what it means.

*Name of company (ie, finspreads)
*Number of pips slipped (ie 3)
*Date (ie feb 23rd)
*Time of day (ie 1:30 pm)
*Amount per pip staked (ie £10)
*trading vehicle (ie EURUSD, DOW 30 etc)
type of order (ie stop loss)
long or short (ie short)
order price was (ie 1.2990)
price i got was (1.2993)
did you complain? (ie yes)
did you get a resolution and if so what? (ie met me half way and gave me 2 back)

I know that sounds a lot so make the ones marked with a star * as compulsory with the others being a 'would like to have'

when we get enough data i'll start to compile the results into a table, the results may be very interesting.

of course you could all tell me to bog off 🙄
with all due respect...if you don't factor slippage in to your trading you are not a serious trader. Show me one FX / Spread / Cfds provider in the world who doesn't pass on slippage, and I can predict they wont be around long. people who moan about slippage either try to trade over figures, or have a non-guaranteed stop. I do understand your plight, but if you spend your trading life moaning about slippage you will not address the real potential problem. Mind you, some companies are worse than others, admittedly. But it's 6 of one and half a dozen of another. IMOO
well, this is to find out who's the best and who's the worst.

read my first post and you will see my definition does not include market orders - ie.those generally traded by those who trade news. - im talking stop, limit oco etc

slippage is indeed a factor in trading however some slip much more than others. for example last month i had a 35 pip slippage from IG Index whilst capital spreads managed to slip me not a single pip for the same stop order at the same time. - see what I mean.

it's ok though, you don't have to get involved if you do not want to.
my slippage this week -

IG Index 2 pips

cap spreads 0 pips

CMC 0 pips

that'll do - cant be bothered myself to fill in all the detail 🙂
today 9:30 news entry all were stop orders to enter

CMC 2 pips slip
capital spreads 0 pips slip
ig index 20 pips slip
IG's 20 pip says it all... And if my experience is anything to go by, they won't even have the courtesy to reply to a complaint, let alone do anything about it.