The Secret

JumpOff said:
Hi Charliechan.
The secrets pdf book is free. The "make you own luck" is available for purchase as printed media.

It would be very unlucky if I had paid hard cash for something I could get for free! 😀

lol - looks like socrates was right! i was talking/assuming about the wrong book!

too much haste brings bad luck/wrong observation clearly.......


assuming jo WAS talking about the free pdf, and paying for it as i incorrectly implied, why would it be lucky to pay for it?

my guess is that you are coming from a karma stand point - good things come to those who do good things. something i generally agree with. i.e. if someone has put a lot of work into a book, one had better 'give' (ie pay up) in order to 'receive' (the knowledge contained). without paying up, there is less value associated.

however, this surely creates a conflict as a trader. i am an opportunist. i see my price in relation to some kind of assumption on future value, so i take that price damn quick, and collect my profit soon after. i want to avoid paying up at all costs as this reduces my profit margin.

should we be true opportunists in all aspects of life in order to perfect the art of opportunity grasping, or should we develop jackyl & hyde approach: doing the karma gig outside of trading in order to bring the karma back when we put the opportunists hat on?

....or am i just getting too far involved in this and complicating the issue of a free pdf far too much? its too early in the morning.

its been a long week for me!
The Rudiments of Wisdom

charliechan said:

assuming jo WAS talking about the free pdf, and paying for it as i incorrectly implied, why would it be lucky to pay for it?

No, because luck is an ingredient extraneous to the matter in hand.

my guess is that you are coming from a karma stand point - good things come to those who do good things. something i generally agree with. i.e. if someone has put a lot of work into a book, one had better 'give' (ie pay up) in order to 'receive' (the knowledge contained). without paying up, there is less value associated.

It is not a matter of value, or of money, but of correct conduct, of rewarding effort meaningfully.
In this case the reward to the author, the publishers, the printers is the price of the book, and whether the book though good fortune is available at a discounted price happens to be a bonus, and merely incidental.

however, this surely creates a conflict as a trader. i am an opportunist. i see my price in relation to some kind of assumption on future value, so i take that price damn quick, and collect my profit soon after. i want to avoid paying up at all costs as this reduces my profit margin.

No, again, you are creating an ethical conflict for yourself and attempting to justify a transgression by bringing into your reasoning an irrelevance. The fact that as a trader you are obligated to take advantage of given situations in the ordinary course of trading is irrelevant.
This is because trading is trading and rewarding effort is something else.

Of course in all of this there is a subtle linkage that you use to justify your viewpoint.
The linkage you use relates to rewarding yourself as a trader in exchange for the effort you make and as a consequence of getting it right.

Now carefully reflect inwardly.

Consider how you would respond if you made an effort, got it right, but only then denied the result of your success, your profit, now would that please you, I venture to enquire ?

Would you not feel justifiably cheated ?

What is more, would you not feel you had solid reasons for feelilng cheated ?

Now consider this and carefully reflect, and, if appropriate, come back with the result of your inward reflection for further discussion.

should we be true opportunists in all aspects of life in order to perfect the art of opportunity grasping, or should we develop jackyl & hyde approach: doing the karma gig outside of trading in order to bring the karma back when we put the opportunists hat on?

Just read carefully what I explain above. If you do not understand it on the first reading, then I suggest you read it again until you do.

....or am i just getting too far involved in this and complicating the issue of a free pdf far too much? its too early in the morning.

its been a long week for me!
here goes....

the book (if the free pdf) is available on a commercial site after what apears to be tv ads and the like. so i would have thought all commercial patents, copyrights, royalties etc would have been taken care of by the web site owners. if we are talking about the book on for a $, then the book will probably be 2nd hand so i doubt the printer or author would see any of the $. anyway, i think this is all a side issue.

now for the main issue....

you stated.....

No, again, you are creating an ethical conflict for yourself and attempting to justify a transgression by bringing into your reasoning an irrelevance. The fact that as a trader you are obligated to take advantage of given situations in the ordinary course of trading is irrelevant.
This is because trading is trading and rewarding effort is something else.

Of course in all of this there is a subtle linkage that you use to justify your viewpoint.
The linkage you use relates to rewarding yourself as a trader in exchange for the effort you make and as a consequence of getting it right.

i will agree with this. im probably making mountains from mole hills.

you then state.....

Now carefully reflect inwardly.

Consider how you would respond if you made an effort, got it right, but only then denied the result of your success, your profit, now would that please you, I venture to enquire ?

Would you not feel justifiably cheated ?

What is more, would you not feel you had solid reasons for feelilng cheated ?

do i understand you correctly if i assume you are talking about a trading situation where i failed to take a profit when it was there? well to answer you i am not really sure. i tend to take my profits pdq - or at least some of them in order to stop this feeling. there are occasions when i may not get that first small objective, and we could always say there were say at least 3 ticks for the taking, but i dont get upset about this. i wont win them all. some will say i should let my profits run. thats fine, but its not for me. i am an opportunist remember so i will take some off the table as soon as it is there, and sometimes, if the conditions are right, i let the rest run.

nothing can be so psychologically damaging as the perception of missed opportunity in my view. have i understood you on this point?

i have had plenty of missed opportunity in my life - or opportunities that i didnt make the most of. but i must move on. spilt milk is a fact of life. i only hope to learn from it. if i were to be remorseful over all of these situations, i would probably end up a tramp on the street drinking meths. (i much prefer croft original or special brew 😀)

you then state.....

just read carefully what I explain above. If you do not understand it on the first reading, then I suggest you read it again until you do.

so you are talking about proper conduct appropriate to the situation over some moral or ethical excuse to do as i please? have i got this right?

hey im a product of the x generation. one of thatchers sprogs. it aint easy thinking of me me me 24x7!!